Three Ways to Keep Your Cooling Water Tower Efficient

Wet cooling tower

In virtually all manufacturing industries and processes, the temperature of the environment is a key factor in productivity. Maintaining the proper temperature can prevent putting unnecessary stress on machines, as well as keep materials in the correct state to be worked with.

How do these companies moderate the temperature? many now use cooling water towers. These mechanisms were designed to recycle more than 98% of wasted water, leading to a tremendous reduction of water use as well as energy use. These systems have continued to become more popular as they have grown in size and popularity due to their conservative benefits.

So how do you save the most energy with a cooling water tower?:

  1. Keeping it clean: With moisture comes the build up of matter from the surrounding air. The accumulation of scale, biological growth, corrosion, or particulate deposits on a tower can inhibit its cooling ability. In turn, this can reduce energy efficiency of the cooling systems by 5% or more. Taking some time to regularly clean the surface can have a large impact on a tower’s efficiency.
  2. Maintenance: Besides maintaining a clean surface, the condition of the mechanical parts also plays a large role in how well a tower is operating. Even just a simple piping change to help with discharging blow down water from the pipes returning hot water to the tower can provide a 1% to 2% improvement in energy efficiency in an HVAC system.
  3. Monitoring: It’s important to regularly track and monitor how effective a cooling water tower system is operating by measuring temperature along with energy consumption. If a disparity occurs between efficiency and output and goes unnoticed, it can continue to decrease until more serious problems present themselves.

In order to keep the quality of products up but utility bills low, make sure your cooling tower is running at optimum efficiency.

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