A time of loss is followed by an outpouring of sympathy. While the support of loved ones is incredibly helpful, many choose to show their grief with a memorial keepsake. As a memento of remembrance, keepsakes are a great reminder of the lives of lost loved ones. While there are a wide variety of memorial keepsakes, they are all indicative of support, encouragement, and love.
Types of keepsakes:
Ash jewelry: Using ashes after cremation, some loved ones choose to incorporate the ashes into a piece of jewelry to wear. A tradition since the 16th century, mourning jewelry allows those wearing it to carry a piece of their loved one with them wherever they go. Ash necklaces, ash pendants, and cremation bracelets are all common choices.
Urns: Dating back to the Roman Empire, storing cremated remains in elaborate urns has been a tradition for centures. Intended for ashes after cremation, decorative urns are usually placed within the home as a reminder of the loved one. They come in many different shapes, sizes and colors, which makes for a great way to customize the urn to fit the style of the home. However, the standard size for companion urns is 400 cubic inches.
Memory boxes: These are great for all big events in life, but make for a great sympathy gift. They provide a safe place to hold cherished items and memories. There is a wide variety of memory boxes, though tradition states a memory box made of wood is most appropriate.
Votives: Votives are special candles, sometimes with an inscription or decorative base. Whether for decoration or burning, they are comforting.
Decorative Gifts: Ornaments, plaques, and other gifts meant for the home or a gravesite are available. You can also have them inscribed and there will usually be a place to put a picture of the deceased, as a sign of respect and remembrance.
If you or a loved one has lost someone, memorial keepsakes are a great way to show your sympathy while helping to keep their memory alive. There are many types of keepsakes but they all send the same message: “I’m here for you.” The best sympathy gifts are the ones that comes from the heart. For more information see this.