Business can always improve with better management. While managers may often have good intentions, and management strategy tends to be constructive, management quirks often interfere with effectiveness. Perhaps employees do not fully understand or appreciate the mission of the company. Perhaps a caring manager has trouble saying no to his employees. Whatever the cause, these things can hinder business performance. Fortunately, they can be corrected with proper career coaching, or business coaching.
What is business coaching? Business coaching, or career coaching, is when outside help develops a better management style. Naturally, there is a need for career coaching. A study by Harris Interactive found only 10 percent of workers has a clear line of sight between his job description and the mission of the company. More distressingly, only 3 percent of 13,000 managers feel their company develops people, according to McKinsie.
Effective career coaching focuses on management at all levels, and not just at the executive level. There are several things affective career coaching can teach. One is developing a personal leadership brand. As a leader, are you known as effective? Engaging? Serious? Open? While there is no one way to be, career coaching can help you embrace those aspects.
Another is time management, which high performance teams do well in. Saying no to nonessential tasks, working on unpleasant tasks for at least 10 minutes, or delegating tasks are things effective career coaching can help with.
Several factors can affect the quality of career coaching. The most obvious is motivation. A company can happily pay for leadership coaching, but managers need motivation to get the most out of it. Still other discrepancies in career coaching may come from cultural differences. Coaches and clients may be from different cultural backgrounds, and have trouble understanding what the other is doing. Still others include goals that career coaching sets, and the frequency and tone of feedback during the coaching process.
Career coaching can help management stay on track. Whether it helps engage a workforce or simply makes a manager more organized, proper coaching can improve business performance. Better management can make coaching pay for itself many times over.