There are many tools that are needed to keep the flow of industry and business running in the United States. One tool that businesses need are the wood pallets used to transport loads of goods from one destination to another. You can buy wood pallets Atlanta based companies are selling, wood pallets Florida based companies are selling, or you can buy them wherever companies list pallets for sale. Whether you’re buying new pallets for sale or used pallets Georgia based companies are selling, there are several things you need to look for in both new and used wood pallets, and this article will take a look at a few of them.
- Are the Pallets Heat Treated: One thing to look for in wood pallets Atlanta based companies are selling, just to name an example, is are the pallets heat treated. It’s important to have wood pallets that have been heat treated, as this process essentially pasteurizes the wood, and prevents disease and invasive insects from being transmitted by latching onto the wood pallet. If the wood is not heat treated, you should probably look elsewhere for your wood pallets.
- Is the Wood in the Pallets in Good Condition: Another thing to look for in wood pallets Atlanta based companies are selling, is to see if the wood in the pallets is in good condition. This is especially true if you are looking to buy used wood pallets. The wood needs to be inspected to make sure it is whole and still able to bear a great amount of weight. You’ll also need to make sure the wood hasn’t been compromised by insects like termites.
- Are the Pallets Made From Recycled Wood: And finally, another thing to look for in wood pallets, both new and used, is to see if they are made from recycled wood. It is estimated that in the next 5 decades at least 17 million acres of forest land will be lost permanently to urbanization and development. For this reason alone, you should try to purchase wood pallets that are made from recycled wood instead of freshly cut lumber. By investing in recycled wood, you’ll be helping the environment in the long run, because you’re working with re-used wood, not new products.
In conclusion, there are several things you should look for in new and used wood pallets. These things include: are the pallets heat treated, is the wood in good conditions, and are the pallets made from recycled wood. These are just a few of the things you should look for in new and used wood pallets.