Even With the Internet, 1 in 3 People Can’t Find Your Store Without This

St louis sign company

We’re going to let you in on a secret that the Silicon Valley elitists will never, ever admit — especially to themselves.

Yes, the internet has changed our lives forever, but not as much as they would have you believe. Don’t believe us? We can prove it. You’ve probably still seen those sign holders standing on the road side, twirling their sign, maybe even in a silly costume. Why do businesses keep using these silly sign twirlers? Because it works!

It’s like the saying goes, the more things change, the more things stay the same. So while you probably ditched your phone book advertisements for a fancy new website years ago, there are still some business essentials you need to operate a successful store IRL (in real life, as the kids say). First and foremost, you need outdoor business signs to get customers in the door. This can be anything from vehicle wraps to business window graphics or even LED lighted business signs.

Because even though most consumer do use the internet to find local businesses like yours, at least 35% of people will not be able to actually find your storefront without a visible outdoor sign. That’s why you need creative sign designs and reliable sign suppliers to meet your needs.

Sign Suppliers Still a Necessity For Brick and Mortar Stores

Designing, printing, and displaying outdoor signs are essential to success as a brick and mortar store, restaurant, or service of any kind. And that’s not likely to change any time soon, at least not in 2016. That’s why it’s crucial to find the best business sign suppliers in your area to meet your needs. It’s a business expense as necessary as keeping the lights on.

How Much Do Business Signs Cost in 2015?

Best of all, because of the rise of digital media and new printing technologies, business signs have never been more affordable. In fact, most people are shocked to discover how cheap sign suppliers have become over the last decade.

Sign costs depend on a few factors — size, material, coloring, content, design. The factor most likely to drive up the cost is size. In general, sign suppliers charge $8 for a small 12-by-6 inch sign to $100 for a 30-by-30 inch sign with more advanced designs. Plus, some businesses shell out major cash for lighted signs sure to attract attention.

If that fails, you can always rent a costume and convince your nephew to stand on the street corner, waving that sign like his life depends on it.

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