3 Advantages of Protection Paper over Masonite

While completing contracting work, you’ll often be working inside of a home. Considering that, it’s important to ensure that a client’s belongings aren’t receiving damage. This means avoiding staining client’s floors while you’re working. In order to accomplish this goal, you’ll have several options. In the past, contractors would primarily rely on Masonite sheets to protect client’s flooring. However, you’ll want to know that there are much more convenient types of floor coverings. In this post, you’ll learn three advantages of using surface protection paper over Masonite sheets.

  1. Easier to Place

    Your contracting team likely works hard. With that in mind, you don’t want them slowing down while trying to protect floors. Unfortunately, bulky Masonite sheets take a lot of effort to transport and lay down. This can wear out contractors faster than normal, potentially slowing them down while working. However, you won’t have this problem with breathable floor protection paper. You’ll find that protection paper is far easier to place on the ground when compared to Masonite sheets.
  2. Works Well in Tight Spaces

    Contractors know that it’s rare for two projects to be identical. Therefore, your contractors won’t always find themselves working in large rooms. In certain cases, homeowners will need renovation work completed in relatively tight spaces. Considering that, trying to place Masonite sheets in tight spaces creates nothing but headaches for your crew. Instead, utilize protection paper for these jobs. This type of breathable floor protection is easy to cut which makes it great to use in smaller areas.
  3. Saving Immense Amounts of Time

    During a contracting job, it’s important to work in a timely manner. The last thing you want are projects taking too long. Considering that, it takes quite a while to move and place Masonite sheets. If you’re looking for a faster way to cover floors, consider using protection paper. Protection paper weighs much less than standard Masonite sheets. This means workers can lay down protection paper faster than sheets of Masonite.

To summarize, it’s important to understand the advantages of breathable floor protection over Masonite sheets. If you’re wanting to complete projects in a fast efficient manner, you’ll need protection paper. This type of paper provides adequate floor protection while being extremely easy to install.

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