You business cannot be manned 24/7, or always have someone on standby to answer phone calls in case the other line is busy. These scenarios would cost you large amounts of money that you may or may not see a return of investment on. Yet, 80% of customers will hang up on a company if they hear a voicemail, so what is the solution to this problem? Hiring a call answering service is your best option. If you are looking to give your customers excellent service while saving your company money, we are the 24 hour answering service for you. The following are some of the top reasons businesses in all types of industries use us on a regular basis.
Return of Investment
Every year in the United States, brands are losing about $41 billion because of poor customer service. This includes customers not having their problems resolved quickly or being unable to contact the company in a timely manner. An after hours phone service provides professional service at a low cost, so your customers will stay satisfied and their problems will be resolved as fast as possible.
Increased Customer Access
Are you looking to gain more access to your customers or stop missing important phone calls? Imagine having someone available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whenever your customer needs to talk to a representative of your company. Losing money on missed calls will no longer be an issue and consumers will be able to speak with a person, not a machine. In fact, 79% of consumers prefer to interact with companies by phone compared to other options, such as email or live chat.
Save You Money
Hiring a call answering service will not only save you time, but it will also save you thousands of dollars each year. By not having to hire more employees, your company can use a small part of those funds for the live answering service and invest the rest back into your company.
Service Tailored to You
The call answering service will be tailored to your business. Whether you are commercial, industrial, medical, or a general business, we can provide a service that is unique to your company. There will be no scripted calls, as heavily scripted calls can eliminate empathy and emotion. Instead, your customers will receive one on one experience with a representative who genuinely cares about your company, as well as working closely with your customers to meet their needs.
A business answering service will save you time, money, and bring you a larger return of investment. Your customers will have instant access to a representative of your company and their issues will be handled in a timely manner. A telephone answering service can grow both large and small businesses alike!