Three Tips on How to Sell Yourself and Get a Sales Job

Sales recruiters

“Sales is not an easy field, but I think that’s part of the reason you should consider it — if only just for career development,” says Rich Jones for Ebony Career and Finance. If you are interested in a career in sales, this is one thing to consider. Regardless of whether it ends up being your “forever” job, it can be a good step forward no matter where you’re going.

There are about 13,700,000 people in sales and sales-related occupations right now, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There are a lot of sales jobs out there right now, but a lot of competition as well. How can you truly stand out and prove that you have what it takes to successfully sell products and services, so that you can make a healthy commission bonus? Here are three top tips.

1. Showcase Resilience

The point of a salesperson is to sell something based on knowledge they have about what the customer wants and needs. You know what a hiring company needs: a great salesperson. Studies by the Harvard Business Review indicate that successful salespeople are more likely to bounce back after rejection. Make resilience and a positive reaction to competition the focus of your cover letter and interview in order to drive home the point that you have what they want and need.

2. Work With an Executive Recruiting Firm

You may have been cautioned against working with an executive recruiting firm, especially because the common perception is that they “take” a percentage of your future salary. The reality is, hiring always costs businesses money — they just spend it in different ways. Companies that hire through recruiting firms often spend less advertising money on the position, and less time interviewing since the presented candidates are already in line with what they’re looking for. This can be a good situation for you as well because recruitment firms often have exclusive relationships with businesses — and therefore access to openings you won’t find out about otherwise.

3. Prepare Yourself to Answer Tough Questions

Have you ever heard that the secret to interview questions isn’t what you answer, but how you answer them? This is especially true for a sales interview. Inevitably, you’re going to get a question you don’t know how to answer one day from a potential client. How smoothly and naturally you handle it can impact the success of your sales pitch. Know how to answer questions like, “why did you leave your last job?” and “what’s your greatest weakness?” Make sure you don’t come off as whiny or non genuine. Every answer to a “negative” question should end with a positive spin — how you expect the problem to be solved in your next job.

Would you work with an executive recruiting firm in order to get a sales job? Let us know in the comments. To see more, read this:

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