Concrete preparation is important.
For home owners, and especially factory owners, the way a concrete surface is prepared can affect the ability to keep a space clean, as well as the release of possibly dangerous chemicals from the ground like radon. One of the most common ways that factory owners treat their concrete is with an epoxy coating that seals the surface and makes cleaning easier and makes the surface less porous. An epoxy coating can also help protect a concrete floor surface from damage that might be caused by heavy equipment known to scrape and gouge other less sturdy surfaces.
Healthcare industry flooring and helicopter hangar flooring are just two other examples of a surfaces that could benefit from sealants like epoxy coatings. Making the decision to apply this sealant immediately after a concrete surface has cured provides the chance to make sure that few things will damage the newest and most costly flooring surfaces.
Epoxy flooring systems in schools make the daily cleaning tasks of a space that serves hundreds, and even thousands, of students on a daily basis more predictable and more manageable. In fact, the large walk behind floor sweepers and cleaning machines were designed for these epoxy coated surfaces. In addition to making a school easier and faster to clean, an epoxy flooring application can increase an area’s brightness by as much as 200%. Applied to tiled floors in aging schools with low ceilings and limited lighting, an epoxy sealant can have an immediate impact.
In the cases of high traffic locations like a school, however, it takes some scheduling to make sure that the epoxy can be most accurately and efficiently applied. Because epoxy can take as long as two weeks to fully dry, applications are often scheduled over long summer breaks when traffic can be eliminated. In a large school district that offers summer school classes this means that epoxy applications are often scheduled years in advance, rotating the schedule of what buildings are in use and what buildings are empty and available for the epoxy surface application.
The long curing time of an epoxy surface is why so many contractors recommend an epoxy application during the construction completion process. This allows for a concrete surface, for example, to be protected from the beginning and can help avoid a complete shut down for the time consuming application and curing process.
Whether you are building a new manufacturing plant or looking for ways to revitalize an older school building, an epoxy coating applied to a flooring surface may be the perfect solution. This application can protect a flooring surface, as well as make it easier to clean.