If you are part of a defense team for a corporate entity and corporate investigations reveal employment discrimination, you have your job cut out for you. Employment discrimination cases often trigger corporate investigations that uncover more inconsistencies than expected.
As a legal professional it can be difficult to defend contractual disputes that are supported by evidence that corporate investigations reveal. A support team of well-seasoned legal professionals can help you to formulate a case for defense.
Horse And Pony Show Cannot Beat The Facts
The old adage “three sides to every story, yours, mine, and the truth” ring very true when it comes to employment disputes. Each party has its side of the story, and the truth is somewhere in between. Ultimately, it is up to the jury or the judge to decide what the relevant truth is in contract disputes.
Often legal professionals will take shortcuts to suppress the information of corporate investigations by putting on a “horse and pony show” and trying to divert the jury’s attention. The facts are the facts, and diverting attention from the facts only has so much power.
Being prepared to walk into court and face the jury with your own well-researched facts and to raise questions about the results of the corporate investigations is the best way to defend your client. It is important that you have access to accurate information that has come from a trusted source no matter if you are defending or representing the plaintiff.
Employment Discrepancies
Employment discrepancies can lead to litigation and big payouts. One of the best ways to protect your client is to have a team of experts review all corporate investigations and their findings. Corporate investigations can be presented in pages and pages of documents. Many of the findings can be vague and open to interpretation, it is important that you have a team behind you to:
- Point out discrepancies about the findings of a corporate investigation and support it with case law references.
- Manage your case documents, help prepare briefings.
- Provide added value services like electronic case management support.
Navigating corporate defense or representing a plaintiff in an employment discrimination case and dealing with corporate investigations can be difficult. The right support can simplify the process so you can focus on presenting your best case. Learn how you can get the legal support you need today.