With flu season right around the corner, the conversation about vaccines is starting to kick up again. It’s always with good reason: clinics want to know they’re getting the best quality product and customers want to know they’re safe.
The pharmacy grade refrigerator is today’s best tool in keeping vaccines viable throughout the entire journey. From inception to the arm of a child, the medical freezer is explicitly designed to make vaccine protection a breeze. It comes with accessible storage compartments, easily adjustable temperature, and the ability to be transported between industries. Knowing how to use one responsibly takes just a little research. Are you familiar with the pharmaceutical freezer?
Vaccines are an essential ingredient to a safe and happy life. Let’s learn how both the vaccine freezer and refrigerator makes sure we’re all kept safe.
Vaccinations are a major reason why so many people are alive and healthy today. They introduce weakened versions of illnesses into the human body, allowing it to build antibodies to protect against future invasions. According to population estimates, vaccines prevent more than two and a half million deaths every year. The World Health Organizations (as well as the Measles and Rubella Initiative) estimate 17 million lives have been saved by the measles vaccination since 2000. Year after year, vaccines pave the way for countless patients.
Unfortunately, there is still more work to be done. It’s estimated nearly 25 million children around the world don’t have access to routine vaccine series. Many of these vaccines need to be distributed early in their life, too, to give them protection against deadly illnesses that predominantly affect infants. One study revealed just 93% of children between the ages of 19 and 35 months have received the Polio vaccine. With the pharmacy grade refrigerator, vaccines can be protected and transported more readily.
The flu vaccine is one of the most well-known preventative measures today. It’s required to be administered on a yearly basis, thanks to the virus mutating and often outrunning today’s medical technology. The CDC revealed that, since 2010, as many as 710,000 flu-related hospitalizations have occurred. Although the flu can mimic symptoms of the common cold, it can also grow serious enough to require a trip to the emergency room. Severe reactions to the flu can include pneumonia, high fever, and dehydration.
Vaccines are not only for the patient involved. They’re a necessary barrier to keep vulnerable populations from coming down with easily preventable illnesses. The elderly, very young children, and those with immune disorders have higher risks of complication from the flu. Vaccines, on the whole, have been saving lives for over 300 years. Large-scale vaccines only became possible in the late 1940’s and, since then, most people in the United States today are able to receive them on a regular basis.
The pharmacy grade refrigerator is a simple, yet highly flexible tool that protects vaccines from the ground up. Using it properly is not unlike using any other refrigeration device. The U.S. Centers For Disease Control And Prevention state frozen vaccines should be stored in the temperature range between -58 degrees and five degrees Fahrenheit. Refrigerated vaccines should be stored at 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The refrigerator should have its temperature recorded every time it’s accessed, even if nothing is removed.
From the flu to rubella, vaccines are always ready to step up to the plate. Keep patients safe with the smart pharmacy grade refrigerator and medical fridge freezer.