Fire Alarm Drills Are Standard Practice at the Beginning of the School Year

From buying and selling a home to make sure that they live in the best school district to being willing to pay the expense of private school tuition, there are many parents who will go to great length to make sure that their children get all of the best advantages. As parents and schools attempt to navigate the decisions that are in the best interest of their students, there are some parents who simply refuse to see the merit in some titles and topics. For some of these parents, the best decision is to enroll their child in a private school that might have a more conservative approach. There are even some parents who opt to home school their children partially because they want to have more control over the kinds of curriculum that are covered.
Aside from concerns about curriculum, of course, there are other concerns that parents should consider when they are making decisions about school choices. For instance, while all schools are required to have fire alarm services installed, other schools do a much more thorough job when it comes to school safety measures. Unfortunately, we live in a time when it is important that schools have detailed plans for lock down situations as well as shelter in place procedures. Any public building, in fact, has posted directions as provided by building supervisors and professional fire alarm services.
Fire Alarm Protection Services and Fire Alarm Inspections Are Important Measures to Keep Public Buildings Safe
Fire protection companies offer a number of important programs and services. From making sure that fire alarm services are checked on a regular basis to providing instructions and regulations that can keep a building as safe as possible, there are many times when buildings are not able to open until all of these measures have been approved. Consider some of these facts and figures about the fire alarm services industry and the many times when it is important for buildings of all size to have processes in place that put SAFETY FIRST:
- Statistics show that hotel and motel fires cause an estimated 15 deaths and 150 injuries every year.
- According to the the latest National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 75 and 76 codes, facilities with telecommunication equipment in an area above 2,500 square feet, like data centers, require Very Early Warning Fire Detection (VEWFD) detection systems to be installed.
- Findings indicate that 44% of dry, or possibly wet, chemical system failures were caused by lack of maintenance.
- Electrical malfunction is the leading cause of non-confined fires in hospitals, In fact, they account for 19% of these dangerous situations.
- The four property classes that account for 50% of high-rise fires include apartments, hotels, offices, and facilities that care for the sick.
- Your children, while they are at school are typically drills don how to deal with a fire alarm whether they are in their classrooms, in a PE class, as well as any other place in the building.
- For rooms that are below 2,500 square feet, this is a category that fits most small data centers, the EWFD system is required.
- In a survey of 119 businesses, it is unfortunate to note that only 35% had any kind of fire evacuation plan.
- Regardless of suppression system activation or location of the fire, if detection is able to provide a warning 10 to 15 minutes before the end of the incipient stage, the fire department should be able to limit damage.
- Statistics indicate that fires in warehouse properties have declined substantially over the past three decades, from 4,700 in 1980 to 1,200 in the year 2011. This drop is attributed to closer regulation of fire sprinkler systems and fire alarm services.
- The purpose of NFPA 75 is to establish the minimum requirements for the protection of IT equipment and IT equipment areas from damage by fire or its associated effects: smoke corrosion, heat, and water. This is just one example of how new regulations have adjusted to the world’s ever changing technology.
Parents have many decisions to make when it comes time to select a school. In addition to paying careful attention to curriculums, however, it is also important to verify there are the right kind of fire safety and evacuation procedures in place.