Signs have taken a number of forms over the years. There are traditional marquee signs for businesses, church marquee signs, as well as marquee signs for schools. More modern sign iterations include LED signs and scrolling marquee signs, just to name a few examples. While digital signs are slowly taking off, many places still continue to use traditional marquee signs, including schools. There are several reasons why school buildings should have marquee signs and this article will take a look at a few of them.
- To Share Important School Announcements: One reason there should be marquee signs for schools is because they can be used to share important school announcements with the community. As the school year progresses, the sign can be routinely updated to share information on upcoming dates that students and parents should take note of, like class pictures, early dismissal, or days when school is closed entirely. The marquee sign allows people to see at a glance what is upcoming in the near future for the school.
- To Draw Attention to The School’s Location: Another reason there should be marquee signs for schools is because they can be used to draw attention to the school’s location. Many school buildings are located a good distance away from a main street, and many schools don’t resemble traditional school buildings at first glance. Placing a marquee sign with the school’s name clearly visible will help people find where the school is located, something that is particularly helpful if one has never been to the school before. Placing a marquee sign by the road can also let students and parents know where to turn to reach the school building, particularly if the access road for the school isn’t immediately obvious.
- To Announce Community Events: And finally, a third reason there should be marquee signs for schools is because they can be used to announce general community events. This is related to the first reason, but instead of announcing events specific to the school, they announce events that affect the community in general. In small towns, the local school building can be used as a meeting place for the community, in which case the sign will need to be used to explain when certain events are taking place that the community might want to attend.
In conclusion, there are several reasons why schools should have marquee signs. These reasons include: to share important school announcements, to draw attention to the school’s location, and to announce community events. These re just a few of the reasons why schools need to have their own marquee signs.