Behind the colors of houses, the design plans of offices, and the outside accessories that are added to a home, there are many more important construction decisions that are made. For example, with the use of spray foam trailers for sale companies are able to provide the most energy efficient options. And while the exterior choice we make for a home can be what gets the most attention when someone first looks at a property, there reality is that the comfort of any space depends on the skilled used of spray foam rigs and other insulation applications. Because some of this equipment is expensive and time consuming to maintain, there are many construction companies that make the decision to rent rather than find spray foam trailers for sale.
Spray foam businesses offer their services to both residential and commercial contractors in the building of homes, schools, churches, government buildings, and commercial businesses. In fact, with the use of the best spray foam insulation products a property owner can not only save on future heating and cooling bills, but also limit the overall environmental impact of the heating and cooling a home.
Environmental Impact Continues to be an Important Part of Many Building Materials Decisions
Looking back just a few years, it is important to note that the total consumption of energy in the U.S. was approximately 97.4 quadrillion (1,000 trillion) BTUs in 2016. And when you realize that the portion of the U.S.’s annual energy created by fossil fuel combustion is 82%, you become even more aware of the importance of making wise decisions about insulation and other energy saving processes.
Consider these facts and figures about the use of the latest insulation products and other energy saving building choices:
- It would save approximately $40 billion if the energy efficiency of commercial buildings was improved by even 10%.
- As the nation continues to prioritize the need for heating and cooling, HVAC employment rates are expected to increase 15% from 2016 to 2026.
- Second only to China, the U.S. consumed the most energy in the world in 2016 at 2,272.7 million metric tons of oil.
- Approximately 56% of the energy used in homes in the U.S. is for heating and cooling, according to the Department of Energy.
- The latest research indicates that 40% of the energy loss in a building is due to poor air filtration.
- $400 billion is the combined yearly energy costs of all the industrial and commercial buildings in the U.S.