Imagine if you will this scene unfolding at your office: you’re in the middle of a call with an important client and you can’t get peace and quiet if your life depended on it. There’s other phone ringing, people talking loudly and printers, fax machines and sorts of other equipment going off.
Situations like this arise every day and chances are you’re frustrated, your customer’s frustrated and you feel like there’s no way to fix it.
Fortunately for you and for office workers of all kinds, a soundproof booth for office use is one of the latest technological innovations to give the peaceful environment you’re searching for. Benefits of a soundproof office booth include the following:
- Cutting out noise: A soundproof phone booth for office use comes with the obvious benefit of being able to make phone calls in peace. Today’s office worker is constantly having to make phone and video calls and a soundproof office booth gives a worker the quiet environment they need to return an important call or video chat with a new client. Let’s face it, depending on what kind of office you work in, it can be next to impossible to block out noise. Too much noise can affect how productive you are. Fortunately, a soundproof booth can help increase your productivity and eliminate the stress that noise causes.
- Privacy: A soundproof phone booth for office use can be a nice change of pace for employees. If you work an open office setting, chances are you get next to no privacy. Soundproof booths can cut the urge to slack off on the job and help employees feel empowered by their newfound privacy.
- Control: An open-space office plan can be beneficial if the goal is to have employees frequently collaborate. But, true be told, this plan isn’t meant for everyone. Sometimes, rather than encouraging togetherness, it can create feelings of helplessness, especially if an employee feels like there’s no place for them to relax and avoid the normal stresses of work. A private phone booth for office use can give workers privacy, a higher level of comfort and a place to feel less stressed as they try to get important work done.
- Curbing Sickness: Another downside of an open office is that it’s next to impossible to escape germs if someone is sick. In an open office, all employees are sharing the same air, which is probably re-circulated air at that. All together, it creates an environment for germs and bacteria to spread. A private area like a soundproof phone booth for office use greatly curbs the spread of illness and cut down on the number of man hours lost annually due to illness.
- Easy Assembly: Another benefit of soundproof booths is that they’re are easy to put up and take down. They can easily be moved around an office space as needed. If your office is considering one, do some research on different types of soundproof booths that are available to find the best one for your needs.
- Numbers Don’t Lie: When it comes to the benefits of a private office booth, the numbers don’t lie. Soundproofing an office can improve worker concentration by 48% and helps reduce eliminate more than half of conversational distractions. Additionally, it can reduce employee stress by up to 27% and reduce work errors by 10%.
The soundproof paint market is currently estimated at $200 million and is anticipated to grow at 30-50% per year. With many positive benefits, it’s not hard to see why. Soundproof booths give employees the privacy they need to be productive while eliminate the stress of a noisy office. On average, U.S. companies lose more than $62 billion annually due to poor customer service. A soundproof phone booth for office use can also help improve customer relations, helping customers get a positive experience every time.