Specialty gases are hugely widespread in the United States as well as many other places all throughout the world as well. After all, specialty gases are quite valuable indeed and have many important uses. In fact, you might have even used at least one type of specialty gas before without even really knowing it. Specialty gases are truly all around us – and likely will be for many years to come, too.
The data surrounding the success of specialty gases more than backs this up. This data shows that the market for specialty gases (on a global basis) is actually anticipated to reach and pass by the value of $14 billion – all within less than ten years from our current day, by the time that we reach the year of 2026. In addition to this, the CAGR for specialty gas products is actually expected to exceed a value of more than 6% all between the year of 2017 (now a couple of years in the past) and 2021, not so far ahead of us at all, by any standards.
This has meant success for many people and businesses throughout this industry. For instance, high purity gas regulators and the like play an important role, as high purity gas is only one type of specialty gas currently on the market. As those working as high purity gas regulators will be well aware of, specialty gases tend to come in two different categories. These categories are those of both pure gases as well as mixtures such as natural gas mixes. High purity gas regulators will help to ensure that gases that are labeled as high purity are actually high purity. With so many specialty gases on the market, high purity gas regulators fill a more important role than ever before.
As high purity gas regulators and other such professionals will likely be well aware of, the use of specialty gases will vary depending on the type of the gas. And there are certainly many uses for these gases, be they pure or mixtures, in our world as we know it, especially as time passes on and our civilization continues to grow and advance. However, there are six main uses of specialty gases that are considered to be more prevalent than any other uses.
And even within these six main uses, one is able to see a good deal of variety all throughout. For instance, a number of different specialty gases can be used not only for electronics but also for semiconductors. Together, these uses make up one category of popular specialty gas usage.
In addition to the above mentioned uses for specialty gases, analytics and calibration systems also use specialty gases quite regularly. So too do medical and other such healthcare systems, arguably one of the most important specialty gas uses out there, one that can even end up saving lives at the end of the day. Of course, manufacturing purposes are also common for specialty gas usage – and manufacturing as a whole is hugely impactful and important here in the United States, let alone elsewhere all throughout the rest of the world as well. Of course, there are many other uses for specialty gases as well, and these uses can still hold a great deal of importance and sway in the world of specialty gases, something that most high purity gas regulators and other such professionals will quite easily be able to attest to.
In addition to how these specialty gases are used, we must also take the time to consider the price of these gases as well. Specialty gases, after all, fall into a wide range of variety when it comes to prices. Not only will the price of a specialty gas purchase depend on the quality and type of the gas itself, but on the container it is carried in as well. For instance, some specialty gases might only cost around $100 in total. However, others can cost as much as $3,000 – something that is no small amount by any means. At the end of the day, each specialty gas purchase should really be handled on a case by case basis.