Taking A Look At The Need For Fire Alarm Installations In the United States and Around The World

Fires can be very dangerous things, no matter where they erupt. From the medical facility to your very own home, fires provide even more of a risk if you do not have a fire alarm system in place – especially a fire alarm system that has been well maintained and cared for. And fires are perhaps more widespread than the average person realizes.
In the city of Orlando, Florida alone, there were more than nine hundred fire related calls in just the single year of 2013. And hotel and motel fires have a death toll of up to fifteen people each and every year, with a staggering amount of damages to boot – more than seventy five billion dollars in that same span of time, an immense amount of money by truly anyone’s standards. These damages and losses of life are particularly tragic in that they are very much preventable in many of these cases. The process of fire alarm installations can save many lives, particularly when these fire alarm installations undergo fire alarm inspections on a regular basis.
So what causes and constitutes a fire risk here in the United States. The answer, unfortunately, is not as simple as most of us would like, as the conditions for a potential fire are often many and varied and the types of fires that we see here in the United States are numerous. Chemical fires, for instance, are common, as are electrical fires.
First, we look to chemical fires, which cause a great deal of fires in the working world and can even cause fires in the typical home environment. Fortunately, chemical fires and electrical fires – which make up nearly twenty percent of all fires that take place in medical facilities and hospitals – can be attributed to a lack of maintenance and care. In fact, it is assumed that more than forty percent of all chemical fires, both wet and dry alike, are linked to a lack of being given the proper maintenance. And electrical fires are also often caused by just that.
Proper servicing and maintenance is critical not only to the function of any given electrical system, but to its overall safety as well. In fact, the typical electrical system should be provided with servicing at least once every three to five years but in some cases this should be much more frequent, such as in older building and with older electrical systems overall. From your personal residence to your place of business to your local hospital, proper electrical maintenance is absolutely critical for ensuring a safe environment.
But aside from fire prevention, fire alarm installations should also be in place, as these fire alarm installations will help you to better protect yourself in the worst case scenario. Fire alarm installations should also include the installation of a sprinkler system that works in tandem with said fire alarm installation. The implementation of a sprinkler system alongside a fire alarm installation is one that is particularly important, as it has been found that sprinkler systems save lives. In fact, there has never been more than two fire related deaths for one fire when a sprinkler system was utilized. This is certainly impressive and worthy of note, as many fires can all to easily become dangerous and even deadly.
Fire alarm inspection is also critical with all fire alarm installations. Fire alarm inspection means that you can rest assured that your fire alarm system is working well even for a good period after the initial fire alarm installation. As things can stop working with age and use, fire alarm inspections can help you to identify whether or not fire alarm repair is itself necessary. Of course, all fire alarm repairs should be conducted as soon as the need for them is first noticed.
Fire alarm installations are important not only just in your home, but in just about every type of building that you might choose to frequent. Fire alarm installations save lives and property and cannot be forgone.