Sometimes it is very difficult to avoid making a comment on social media!
When you read the repeated posts that your cousin was making on her social media page, this was one of those difficult times.
You were, as asked, praying for her grandson to make a full recovery from his recent hospitalization. When day after day you read about tests for tick and spider bites coming back negative, however, you could not help but wonder if your cousin and her daughter had put this young boy at risk because of their refusal to get their children any vaccinations. For a second generation, your cousin and her children had subscribed to the idea that vaccinations were too dangerous. They home schooled their children rather than file the necessary paper work to have them admitted into a school district without the required vaccines.
During all of the family reunions that you had spent together and all of the time you had worked on quilts together for major family celebrations, you have always bit your tongue when she talked about her reasons for refusing vaccinations.
Now that one of her grandson’s was fighting fevers, dizziness, a swollen and stiff neck in the hospital for nearly a week, however, part of you wanted to type the question that you have always been to afraid to ask in person. Could the vaccinations that your children and most of the people in America get have prevented this hospital stay? Could have those shots have saved the thousands of dollars of tests that the doctors were running to rule out tick and spider bites, and the other childhood diseases that were nearly eradicated, but for the vaccine refusing families in this country?
Vaccine Storage Refrigerators and Other Medical Grade Freezers Play Important Roles in the Country’s Fight Against Childhood Diseases
There have been many advancements in the industry of old storage solutions for healthcare facilities, laboratory settings, and vaccine use. In fact, vaccine storage refrigerators enable various locations to offer life saving medications for both children and adults. With advanced features like intelligent microprocessor controller, digital display, and adjustable temperature control, pharmacy grade refrigerators are able to provide temperature stability from plus or minus 3°degrees Celsius. Consider some of these statistics about the medical refrigerator freezer industry and the way these appliances contribute to the health of the nation:
- The number of measles-related deaths decreased 79% between the years 2000 and 2014. The exact numbers dropped from 546,800 to 114,900.
- Unfortunately, 24 million children around the world do not have access to the routine vaccine series they should receive before they turn one year old.
- 93.7% of children between the ages of 19 and 35 months have received the Polio vaccine.
- Large-scale vaccine production became possible in the late 1940s. At the time, the recommended vaccines included Smallpox, Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis, also known as whooping cough.
- Vaccines prevent more than 2.5 million unnecessary deaths every year.
The use of the newest vaccine storage refrigerators allows pharmacies, hospitals, and laboratory settings to make sure that the most needed vaccines are cared for and stored.