Steel Manufacturing Continues to be a Major Part of the Nation’s Economy

Cold rolled steel

Highly acclaimed as a reliable civil engineering material, cold formed sheet piling was developed initially in Japan back in 1955. Since that time, many industries have added new types of cold formed sheet piles and made improvements for a variety of different applications. Cold formed sheet piles are known for their outstanding workability in addition to their ability to remain water tight and serve as a cross-sectional material.

A drive through any major city provides quick proof that the steel industry in America is thriving. In fact, steel suppliers play a significant role in many of the building and infrastructure projects not only in this country, but across the world as well. In fact, the products that a steel sheet piling company produces can be used in everything from construction to product development.

Dating back clear to the 1920s, America has always played an essential role in the steel manufacturing industry. During the 1920s, which was considered the height of the American steel industry’s success, America was producing 40% of the world’s steel and iron. Throughout the continued progress of this industry, the making of steel has continued to play a significant role in the nation’s economy. From cold formed sheet piling developments to new products, the steel makers of this country not only contribute to the country’s economy, they also enable the building of skyscrapers and bridges.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the steel industry and the impact that it has on not only the construction industry and the nation’s infrastructure, but also the economy:

  • In the year 2016, the world produced more than 1,600 million tons of steel.
  • The capability utilization rate of American raw steel was 75.1% as of February 2018.
  • The production of raw steel in the U.S. was up to 1.751 million net tons as of February 2016.
  • With a yield strength of 260 megapascals (Mpa), carbon steel has a tensile strength of 580 Mpa.
  • Employing over 142,000 people, the U.S. is one of the top steel-producing industries in the world.
  • The four most common types of metal used in the U.S. construction industry are carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and copper.

A drive through any major city is just one way that consumers can tell how important the steel industry is to our country and the future of the nation’s infrastructure.

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