Saving Money With Brass Garden Hose Fittings

When trying to reduce the utility costs of a home, most people can recall their fathers complaining about leaving lights and televisions on, or shutting off the air conditioning or furnace until it is completely necessary. However, they may be completely underestimating the effect that water usage can have on their bills.
Even if some may attempt to take shorter showers or to reduce water consumption in some manner, much of their usage could actually be the result of leakage. The average household leaks can account for more than an estimated 10,000 gallons of water being wasted every year. To put this into perspective, this is enough water to complete washing 270 loads of laundry.
A common cause of leaks are a result of insufficient valves and fittings. Even if the water escaping is only a trickle, overtime this can amount to substantial water loss. In order to prevent leaks, brass compression fittings can create an effective and sturdy seal.
Besides just pipes and appliances, one factor that can lead to leakage are garden hoses. Due to the ware and tare of being located and used outdoors, it is much easier for their fittings to degrade. Basic modern brass fittings are made up of a combination of 67% copper and 33% zinc. Brass garden hose fittings are more effective and longer lasting than other fitting materials.
Standard garden hoses are most commonly available in a variety of sizes including, one-half of an inch, five-eights of an inch, and three-quarters of an inch. Brass garden hose fittings are also available to fit any of these sizes.
Before you stop washing your hands or limit yourself to 60 second showers, take a look at your plumbing or hoses. For all you know, brass garden hose fittings could end up saving you substantial amounts of money overtime.