In the early 20th century, America prohibited the sale and production of alcohol. Today, alcohol is legal and cannabis is closely following suit with 23 states currently allowing medical cannabis according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). A study published in the Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics found that around 30,000 patients in California and an additional 5,000 patients across eight other states had a physician’s recommendation for medicinal cannabis usage. As many states begin legalizing or decriminalizing cannabis usage, more and more Americans have looked to marijuana investment opportunities to ensure the health and growth of the industry.
Who Benefits from Medical Marijuana Operations?
Studies show that up to 76% of today’s doctors approve of medical cannabis use with 92% of patients claiming that it works for them. Despite overwhelming medical attention, only 6% of cannabis studies analyze its medical applications. The state of New Mexico has recently shared that the number one diagnosis for a medical cannabis license had post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as the primary criterion; this is at a time when studies suggest that one out of every five military service personnel returning from Iraq and Afghanistan could suffer from the various forms of PTSD. Other studies suggest that medical cannabis could be used to fight various forms of cancer, heart disease, or lung disease — until more research is done however, the effects of medical cannabis cannot be proven nor disproven.
Investing in the Cannabis Industry
Studies suggest that the medical cannabis industry reached a market capitalization of $3 billion as of April, 2013, making investing in the marijuana industry one of the year’s wisest decisions. Those investing in cannabis growing facilities must consider the medical marijuana facility design: potted plants, hydroponics, or aeroponics all require varying equipment and levels of attention that can affect yield. It is generally a good idea to meet with the company before investing to ensure that the medical marijuana facility design is in line with state regulations. Another option is to invest in ancillary businesses that don’t deal with the actual growing of the plant, but instead legally operate anywhere like marketing companies. Through safe investments the medical cannabis industry will continue to grow, providing relief to thousands of patients across the nation.