When doing maintenance on your car or RV it’s necessary to pick out a properly made crane mat to provide stability while you work. Outrigger crane pads are designed to be both strong and flexible, providing an even environment for you to work. Many people are still in the dark when it comes to picking out the right one, however, and can potentially put themselves in danger without knowing. Keep reading as I detail the most common uses for outrigger crane pads in the U.S., how to find the right size for your vehicle or equipment and tips to make sure you use it safely.
RV Statistics In The U.S.
RVs are the considered the ideal vehicle for camping and traveling throughout the United States, with over eight million households in the U.S. owning at least one. It’s estimated that 16% of campers stayed in RVs during the year 2014, helping to bring in a revenue of over five billion dollars to campgrounds across the country. Typical RV demographics are composed of older married couples who own their own home and regularly invest their disposable income toward at least three weeks of vacation time per year.
Finding The Ideal Crane
There are multiple factors that go into finding ideal outrigger crane pads — ground conditions, the size of the outrigger and the weight of the equipment being supported. While it can be tempting to go ahead and buy a larger pad, it’s essential to double-check the estimates on your RV or vehicle’s weight to help it match. Size is important for mediating natural gravity and material should be both firm and flexible rather than too hard. Last, but not least, seek out ground that is drained and dry to avoid slipping.
Crane Safety Tips
Knowing about the above factors when buying will go a long way in making sure that you use your outrigger pads both successfully and safely. However, there are certain cranes that should be generally avoided — mobile cranes are more likely to tip while they are being operated, particularly if they are too large, and can cause an accident. The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that there are an average of 82 crane-related fatalities every year, most of which can be avoided with prior research. When shopping for your crane mat, make sure you keep these simple tips in mind!