3 Ways To Protect Your Commercial Building From A Fire

Fire suppression service

If you’re a property manager, you are all too aware of the dangers of fire. Every year, hotel fires result in about 15 deaths and $75 million in property damage. Other commercial buildings like apartment complexes, hospitals and office buildings are equally at risk. Fortunately, by following the right fire suppression service tips, you can decrease your chances of destruction and possibly death.

Check fire alarms.

Routinely check and replace the batteries in your fire alarms and smoke detectors to make sure they are working correctly. Monitoring your fire alarm system is key in early detection- even notifying the fire department 10 to 15 minutes before the end of the beginning stages of the fire can greatly reduce damage. In addition to changing batteries, you should test the entire system often to ensure it is working and that people in the building know how to react.

Maintain fire sprinkler system.

Using a sprinkler system along with a detection system (like alarms) can decrease damage and injuries by at least 50%. A general rule of thumb is that your entire system should be tested about four times per year but some states or cities may require even more frequent testing and maintenance. There are plenty of local fire suppression service companies that can test and repair your commercial fire sprinkler system so you are prepared.

Keep fire extinguishers in accessible areas on every floor.

The most basic level of fire protection, fire extinguishers are an easy way for renters to stop small scale kitchen fires themselves. Be sure to provide training information on how to use the extinguisher correctly. This can prevent fires from spreading and stop more damage from occurring.

While the above fire suppression service related items are helpful in protecting your property from fire and minimizing damage, you should also focus on preventing fires from happening in the first place. Take time to educate your residents or renters on proper safety measures regarding electrical outlets, cooking appliances, grills, candles and other potential hazards. Ban smoking from anywhere near your building and have clearly mapped out escape routes. If you follow these guidelines, you will significantly reduce your risk of injury and damage due to fire, something every property manager likes to hear!

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