Even if you’ve never heard of it, chances are you’ve experienced it. Wrap rage is that feeling of anger or frustration you experience when you come across some particularly difficult-to-open plastic blister packaging or other type of package or box, and it’s more common than you’d think.
In fact, statistics have shown that at least two out of five people have hurt themselves opening poor packaging or too-difficult-to-open packaging, like some types of blister packaging. If you’d like to stay one of those three out of five people who haven’t hurt themselves trying to open something up, here are a few things you need to know.
The Most Infuriating Types of Packaging.
As you can probably guess already, blister packaging just so happens to be the most common cause of wrap rage. Of all the blister packaging designs pharma packaging services use, it’s clamshell blister packaging that’s the worst offender, though. The next most aggravating types of packaging are shrink-wrapping and peel-off-covers.
The Most Common Way to Open Frustrating Packaging Isn’t the Best.
According to a recent survey, 89% of people use scissors to open difficult packaging, while 66% use knives, 6% use screwdrivers, 4% use razors, and 2% use hammers. If you’re dealing with tough blister packaging, though, the best way to get it started is actually to use a manual can opener.
The Most Common Injuries That Comes as a Result of Wrap Rage.
According to a survey from Yours magazine, 71% of respondents said that they’d gotten hurt when trying to open some types of packages. The most common injury received amongst the respondents was a cut finger, followed by a cut hand, sprained wrist, and a bruised hand. The moral here is that you can easily hurt yourself trying to open tough packaging.
Don’t become a victim of wrap rage. If you’re having trouble with blister packaging, try to find an easier way to open it, like with a can opener. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.