Liquid fertilizer tanks — the steel tanks that contain thousands of gallons of liquid fertilizer for agricultural use — are highly susceptible to a number of hazards that make them dangerous to both personnel and the environment.
This may be why the American Petroleum Institute (API) regularly enforces a stringent set of standards and procedures in its inspections of these tanks about once every five years. Failing to meet the API’s 653 standards can mean a failure to obtain certification, which makes your venture appear less reputable.
To make sure your liquid fertilizer tanks never fail another API 653 tank inspection, take a look at these three facts everyone should know about API 653 standards for field erected tanks:
Tanks must be free of corrosion
Your tanks’ shells, bases, foundations and all other parts must be free of corrosion in order to pass API inspection. Corrosion, which is caused by environmental factors along with the corrosive nature of liquid fertilizer, weakens your tanks’ ability to contain the substances they’re supposed to. As a result, too much corrosion can cause leaks and spills that are both hazardous and a waste of money.
Tanks must be settled in the ground at an even level
API inspectors will check to see how any above-ground fertilizer tanks have settled in the ground upon which they sit. If a tank is sitting at an off-kilter level, it’s at risk for spilling or tipping over — so if your tank is settling improperly, it’s time to take action and prevent a catastrophe.
Obtain the proper permits
Owning fertilizer tanks means being subject to both state and federal regulations, as well as the API’s regulations. This means you will most likely need to have permits from your state government in order to have above ground storage tanks that store substances like liquid fertilizer or oil. To be able to pass the API’s 653 standards, be sure you have all the necessary permits from your state or local government.
Have any other tips to share for the API 653 inspection process? Let us know by leaving a comment below this article.
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