One of the most important tasks that has to be done if one wants to build a strong company, is building a strong team to back it. One would think that in a bad economy, there are plenty of experienced, great job candidates eager to work. However, the opposite is often true, at least to an extent. Many employees choose not to job search when the market seems less open.
For this reason, more and more businesses are choosing to use recruitment agencies to back their staffing choices. Considering that U.S. corporations, as a whole, spend about $72 billion on the various segments of the recruiting process, it isn’t too surprising that some choose to place this role in the hands of experienced players.
If you are a company considering whether it’s worth your time to use a recruitment agency, here are three things you should keep in mind concerning what such an agency will assist with.
Whittling Down the Flood of Candidates
The average company will receive over 100 resumes for any one sales job. Even devoting just a few minutes to each resume and cover letter can take the better part of the day — and it takes even more time to narrow the list down to a handful of truly qualified candidates. Recruitment agencies help companies save on valuable time.
An Unbiased Perspective
Did you know that research has shown that when hiring managers evaluate candidates, they have a tendency to select people who share common interests and that they see themselves hanging out with? While this might be useful in social situations, it can lead to well-qualified candidates getting looked over simply because they don’t seem like “friend material.” Sales recruitment agencies remove this risk, since they will not be in the office environment with the candidate.
Background Checks
Dr. William Dando practiced medicine in Maryland for almost 10 years before facing trial for sexually assaulting a patient. It was then discovered that he had been sentenced to prison many years previous after a rape conviction. This was the result of employers not bothering to conduct a thorough background check. The results of this can be costly for your company. Sales recruitment companies can take care of background checks for interested companies.
Would you consider using sales recruitment companies to find qualified candidates? Let us know in the comments.