Pest management is imperative in Virginia

Pest control virginia

Citizens of Virginia seem to struggle with pest management. Fortunately, for as many pests that exist in Virginia, there are enough pest exterminators to help manage this large problem. One company in particular, Triple S Services, Inc. performs quality Integrated Pest Management.

Integrated Pest Management consists of a series of pest management evaluations, decisions and controls. Years of data involving pest life cycles and their interaction with the environment are intensely studied. This studying done by Triple S Services, combined with available pest control methods destroys infestations and inhibits future ones without causing harm to people, property or the environment.

The first step in the Integrated Pest management Process is identifying the pests. The pest exterminator needs to be sure what type of pest it is in order to use the correct pesticide when getting rid of the infestation. Triple S Services has experience identifying infestations of mice, termites, squirrels and roaches, among thousands of other pests. Once the source of the infestation has been identified, Triple S Services can then make a recommendation regarding pest management. An example of one of their recommendations would be winter proofing a home for pests because pests look for warm places to hide in the winter, just as humans do.

After making a recommendation for pest management, Triple S Services will implement various controls to destroy the infestation. Initially, less risky controls are executed. If those controls are ineffective, sprays, baits and traps are used as the next level of controls. The type of control used depends on the severity of the infestation. Traps are obviously a harsh control method and therefore, are only implemented if the infestation is uncontrollable.

Triple S Services is a professional, trustworthy and efficient company. They have years of experience in the pest management business. Their contact information can be found under exterminators Virginia, pest control northern va or pest control Virginia. With Triple S Services pests are here today, gone tomorrow.

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