When it comes to protecting secure information, companies can never be too careful these days. Think about any news report you’ve seen in the last six months or a year, informing you on the latest data breaches of big companies or local stories of identity theft. In 2017, more than 16 million people were victims…
Category: Secure paper shredders
Here are 3 Reasons to Use an Industrial Shredder at Your Company
Even in today’s digital age, many companies still have to work with paper documents at one time or another. Whether it’s for security reasons, or because that’s just what companies are used to using, paper documents have remained a part of the corporate world, and will likely never go away completely. Along with using paper…
When to Call Upon Paper Shredders at Work
Paper has, and still does, have a vital role to play in modern life and business, everything from mailing items to customers to notices to customers to memos and financial reports or employee files at work. Paper companies are hard a work providing the right papers for their business clients, and a modern office makes…