Think of the reasons you don’t have insurance. It could be because you don’t think you need it, or more likely, you can’t afford it. It’s easy to assume, when thinking about how much is insurance, that you won’t be able to pay for it each month. The truth is, you can’t afford not to…
Category: New orleans insurance
The Importance of Protecting Your Home and Car With Insurance
Did you know that only 84% of drivers wear their seat belts in the United States? In addition, the Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that 27.6 out of every 1,000 homes were burglarized in 2011. Since owning a house and a car comes with risk, it is important to keep your finances protected by obtaining…
The Fastest Way to Find Affordable Homeowners Insurance
According to the most recent statistics, about 90% of all American homeowners carry homeowners insurance. Sure, that might sound like a good number, but only about half of homeowners purchase enough homeowners insurance to cover anything but minimal losses. Since most of us store the majority of our possession within the homes and apartment in…