The American Petroleum Institute (API) is the primary regulating body over above ground storage tank inspections and standards. For storage tanks that contain materials like liquid fertilizer and petroleum products, the API 653 tank inspection standards apply.
The API 653 standards typically cover tank repair, alteration and reconstruction, and will determine whether or not a storage tank meets its federal, state and local regulations.
Do you know as much as you would like to know about the API 653 standards for above ground storage tank inspections? Find out all there is to know about these inspections by reading these three frequently-asked questions:
Q: Who can inspect my tanks?
A: Only API-certified tank inspectors are qualified to perform the API 653 inspection. These inspectors are required to have at least four years’ experience around above ground storage tanks, and they must pass the API’s certification test. Inspectors take this test every three years.
Q: Why inspect my above ground storage tanks?
A: There are plenty of reasons to have your above ground storage tanks inspected regularly. These inspections help prevent leaks of the tanks’ contents into the groundwater; they monitor individual tank corrosion rates closely; they help protect the investment that is your tank and help prevent tank failure.
Q: What will inspectors look for?
A: During the typical API 653 tank inspection, an inspector will examine the tank’s welds, plates and appurtenances visually. Ultrasonic technology is used to test thickness of tank walls, floors and roofs, and to identify any corrosion that has taken place. Lastly, inspectors will check each tank’s settlement plane and evaluate the tank floor for bulges and other problems.
Have any other questions for us about above ground storage tanks and their inspections? Ask us by leaving a comment below.
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