Over the years, the recipe for success in business has changed continuously and will continue to do so. Whereas there was a time where once a product on the shelves would automatically become successful, the case is different today.
With over 32 million businesses in the US, competition for consumers is high, and some markets are saturated. Now, whether it’s soap or juice, consumers have several brands to choose from while shopping. As a result, buyers have become more selective about the items they purchase.
This, in turn, means that businesses have to find more creative ways to attract consumers. One of the most effective, yet often overlooked methods of attracting consumers to your products is by using custom high gloss Inkjet labels.
How can custom labels help your brand?
Labels have a significant influence on a consumer’s purchase decision. When consumers are presented with several brands to choose from, they assess the suitability of a product based on its packaging and labeling.
Custom high gloss labels can be the difference between consumers placing your products in their carts or leaving them on the shelves. Read on to find out how custom Inkjet labels will benefit your business.
1. Helps Convince Consumers Your Product Is of High Quality
When making a purchase, consumers want value for their money. Therefore, high-quality standards give your products a competitive edge. However, many times, consumers have to determine if a product suits their standards, and the label plays a crucial role in this.
First, the label indicates all the relevant product information such as contents, date of manufacture and expiry, and so on. Such information allows you to set your products apart from the rest.
Secondly, if the label is not appealing and difficult to read, consumers will have a similar perception for its contents and thus dismiss it.
2. Color Helps Distinguish Your Brand
Human beings are visual creatures, and color has a significant effect on a person’s mood and behavior. As opposed to what many may think, feelings influence most decisions people make. Research suggests that people live in a “feeling state” rather than a “thinking state.”
As such, the color you choose for your custom labels will determine the feelings it elicits in consumers, thus affecting purchase decisions. For instance, if your product is edible, you may want to incorporate green in your custom high gloss inkjet labels. This is because the color green reminds people of plants and will give them a sense that the product is healthy.
The choice of colors should be very strategic. Consider the impact you want it to have on the product and ensure it aligns with the brand image. With the effective use of color, your brand can benefit by up to 80% increased recognition.
3. Durability
From the point of manufacture to the market, your products will be exposed to different external factors. By using custom high gloss Inkjet labels, you can rest assured that the labels can handle factors such as exposure to sunlight or moisture without being damaged.
4. Flexibility and Convenience
In comparison with other printing methods, plates are not required for digital printing. All that is needed for your custom labels to be printed is a ready-to-print PDF file of the design. This reduces the setup time required for each print run and also allows you to test different concepts or make adjustments to the design easily.
5. Good for the Environment
Printing methods that rely on plates come with a lot of waste during set up, and at times, businesses are forced to produce a large number of labels, which ends up as waste. With digital printing, all this is in the past.
In Conclusion
The reality of business today is that you may have the best product in the market and not make any sales. A lot goes into the success of a business. This includes things such as advertising and brand appeal, among others. Custom high gloss Inkjet labels are the perfect tool to help you elevate your products and brand into consumer favorites.