From a glass melting electrode to tungsten manufacturing, there are many materials that a good portion of us have never been made aware of in the world, many elements that are not commonly known to the general population. But new elements are being discovered all the time, as well as new and exciting applications for them. From a glass melting electrode to the tungsten crucible, there are discoveries made in science every single day, and these discoveries advance us in fields where we can apply them. For example, many scientific discoveries can be applied to the medical field, where the growth of scientific knowledge and the implementation of new and different technologies are used on a daily basis to save lives and fight diseases, illnesses, and conditions that were previously thought to be untreatable.
In this brief article, we will focus our discussion on a few elements that have been discovered relatively recently in history. Take tungsten, for example, an element with a tensile strength of more than one thousand and five hundred megapascals. Tungsten has been found to be naturally occurring, with about one point five grams originating in every one thousand kilograms of our earth’s crust. Though this is only a small amount, a tungsten manufacturing has also been developed to help create it artificially in order to be applied to tungsten products. Though tungsten appears naturally only rarely in the world (specifically when four chemical compounds are combined such as calcium, iron, and manganese), it has many applications in the world when the tungsten manufacturing process is applied, as it is twice as dense as steel and therefore incredibly useful in the manufacturing world. It also has the highest melting point of any discovered metal (more than six thousand degrees fahrenheit) as well as the greatest degree of tensile strength.
But the glass melting electrode has its place to, though tungsten is hugely useful, almost universally. The glass melting electrode has a number of practical purposes when it is used in a vacuum furnace, a device that can be applied to a number of industries and fields. The medical field, for one, often has huge use of a vacuum furnace and the glass melting electrode that comes along with it, as a glass melting electrode is typically formulated to be almost as much as one hundred percent purity, meaning that it can stand up to issues like chemical corrosion and degradation. This can also help to minimize any glass discoloration that may have otherwise occurred.
Though there is so much that has not yet been discovered in the world, we have made huge advancements in many areas of science. The discovery of new and useful elements is one of these major areas of advancement, as different elements can be used in a number of important industries to further growth and progress, such as the medical industry or even the industry of electronics. These industries, without access to scientific growth and discovery, would be likely to often come to a standstill, unable to progress any further without scientific influence and development. From tungsten to the glass melting electrode, new discoveries in the field of science (and the many fields within the broad heading of science) are pushing us further and even further into the future, taking us places that many of us (scientists include) never though we’d go. Without science and scientific discovery, we’d be lost as a country (as the United States), and we’d even be, this author ventures, lost as a world at large.