Using plastics for packaging is a great option for a number of products. Increasingly it is being looked at as being better for the environment than other options. This is primarily because you can move so much more liquid or other substances in flexible, plastic packaging than other means. For instance, if you moved the same amount of liquid using both flexible, plastic containers and in glass jars, you would need 26 trucks to fit all of the the jars vs. just one truck of the plastic containers. This saves a ton in fuel costs.
Using flexible packaging such as flat bottom stand-up pouches can keep food out of landfills and that is great for the environment. One problem with global warming is all of the methane that is released when food breaks down in landfills. Using newer packaging, such as heat sealed plastic pouches, keeps food fresher, contaminant free and each pound of plastic keeps 1.7 pounds of food out of landfills.
The Benefits of Flexible Plastic Packaging:
- Flexible plastic packaging stands out. Flat bottom stand-up pouches are a great example of a package that stands out from the rest, The last thing you want when it comes to your packaging design is to blend in with everything else on the shelf. If all the other brands use boxes, jars and cans for their products, yours in flat bottom stand-up pouches will really stand out and get some attention.
- Flat bottom stand-up pouches take up less space. Most people do not have as much space in their kitchens and pantries as they would like. This is another advantage to stand up pouches, they take up less room. For people on the go, putting plastic pouches in their bag in the morning is a lot more appealing than a large box or bulky jar. This is even better for families who are going on a camping trip.
- They are resealable. Most flat bottom stand-up pouches and other plastic pouches are resealable. You cannot say the same thing for cans or boxes that have soup or juice. This makes taking them to work or outside or anywhere else more of a challenge. Your packaging should make your customers lives easier, not more difficult. More and more people like the idea of throwing flexible packages of beverages or food into their school bags or briefcases.
- Plastic packaging is recyclable. People love to recycle. This is a great way to be good to the planet and keep garbage out of landfills. Most reclosable plastic pouches are recyclable. Most Americans are very concerned with recycling so finding packaging solutions that are recyclable is a definite plus.
- It can save lives. More water can be transported to people who need it. More water can be transported in flexible plastic packaging than any other way. Because the heat sealed packaging is better at keeping food fresh longer and keeping out contaminants, it can be stored without refrigeration longer and it can be transported farther. This makes it easier for organizations to get food and water to people who need it. When you consider that nearly 70% or more of the world lives far away from clean water, coming up with new ways to get it to them is a goal we all should share.
For a long time, plastics have gotten a bad name. Now that is changing. The American plastics industry adds about $375 billion to the national economy. Some expect the global market for flexible plastic packaging to grow to at least $100 million by 2018. Additionally, it has the added benefits of being good for the environment and increasingly provide a way to help feed and give water to a growing number of people in need worldwide.
When you are looking at the best way to market your products, using flexible plastic packaging solutions such as flat bottom stand-up pouches can really give your items an edge over the cans and boxes that line the shelves. All companies want to stand out and using innovative packaging such as what is offered by flexible plastic packaging is a great way to showcase your products to consumers.