If you’re looking to develop your company’s brand, there are four main factors you need to keep in mind: your audience, your design, your website, and your content. To learn how to brand a company and to make things easier, we’ve come up with four questions to answer that equal effective brand development:
Can you tell me about your audience?
With any sound marketing plan, your company needs to have a strong hold and understanding of who your audience is. Understanding what demographic they are, where they frequent, and what they want to see will not only help with the brand development process, but it will also help with aspects of ux design when creating the company’s website and mobile applications. While your brand dictates your audience, the inverse is also true, and because of this, it’s important to keep your brand centered around your customers.
What does your logo look like?
Your brand should be communicated through all aspects of your company — particularly with your logo. The development of your logo should utilize creative design and should be conceptualized outside of the box. But, more importantly, you logo should be legible and easy to understand by consumers.
Is your website informative and easier to navigate?
Any user experience designer can tell you that without an easily accessible and attractive website, your web presence will be virtually non-existent. Did you know that it only takes 10 seconds for a customer to decide to stay on your page? If your site isn’t attractive and easy to use, customers will be apt to leave quickly. This means having a clear statement of exactly what your company does, as well as a readable menu of services and prices.
Does your company have a blog?
If you are looking to increase online visibility through an inbound marketing plan, then your website should have a blog that utilizes SEO strategies. As far as content goes, your blog should have regular, engaging content that keeps your audience coming back for more.