A major part of any industry is marketing, and every year, many millions of dollars and a lot of time is spent to research the newest and most effective advertising methods. This may range from billboard design to digital kiosk displays to custom retail displays. Digital signage is a recent innovation that can compliment more traditional signs and print media, and even retail display fixtures and shelf price tags have a major role to play. Any store, such as a grocery store or department store, will make good use of signs for glass doors, clear containers for price tags, standalone sign holders, and much more. In a larger area such as a mall or hospital campus, you may find digital kiosk displays as well. How to use a digital kiosk display?
A Digital Kiosk Display
Speaking broadly, a kiosk is a display that will provide information for anyone who visits it. In some cases, a kiosk is a newspaper or magazine stand that has enough racks for such items, as well as brochures and the like. There may be one or more staff members on hand to handle transactions, if any of the items are for sale and not free (such as magazines). Often, these kiosks are meant for tourists who need to find their way around, and may include maps, travel brochures, and the like.
But that is not the only option. A digital kiosk display may be quite attractive and useful, and they are large, heavy kiosks with one or more digital screens on them. Such screens may be touch screens, allowing a guest to select items from a menu to find the information that they need. Some kiosks may even have speakers in them to play messages, and some kiosks may have the same content in more than one language for the benefit of tourists. On the screens, these kiosks may display maps, a list of nearby attractions, and more, such as video clips. In a mall, kiosks will show map and clearly label all retailers inside, and also mark the food court, mall security offices, exits, and the like. On a hospital’s campus, there will be a map clearly showing what each building is for, and which medical services are available there.
A kiosk may be either purchased or rented, and a rented kiosk may be delivered from a warehouse on board a truck. Crews will use dollys and carts to unload the heavy kiosk and put it wherever the customer wants it to go, similar to services provided for mobile photo booths.
Signs in a Store
Signage and marketing can be divided into two main topics: signs and displays outside the store, and those inside the premise. Outdoor signs tend to be larger and placed wherever traffic and pedestrians may see them. This is practical, since studies show that around 85% of a business’s intended customers live within a five-mile radius of that business. But that is just the start. Outdoor signs bring customers inside, and the battle for a customer’s attention (and money) will continue from there.
A store may house hundreds or even thousands of different brands, all of which want to advertise themselves to the customer. What is more, the store will want to bring attention to new items, discounts and sales, deals, and more to help move inventory. Also take note that most customers enter a store undecided about how to spend their money, so all this advertising is for a good reason.
Research shows that even full-priced merchandise may sell 18% better if it has a sign as opposed to not having one, and customers tend to make their spending decisions fairly quickly. This is why prominent, attractive, and easy-to-read signs are set up. Bold colors and short, clear messages and numbers can make a discount or sale very easy to see, such as 25% of all items on a nearby table. Shelf tags may do something similar, and cross out an old price while making the new price in big, dark letters. Typically, stores have metal and plastic stands of varying height and shape, which can be put anywhere. Then, printed ad signs and posters can be easily slipped in and out of them to display any desired message.