In recent years, there have been many new aspects to the transportation industry as we know it here in the United States. For one thing, the world of e-commerce has increased dramatically in this time frame. Now bringing in more than $420 billion on a yearly basis in the United States alone, the market for e-commerce is one that is said to be growing quite exponentially indeed. After all, online shopping provides and ease and convenience that is difficult to replicate elsewhere, an ease and convenience that many have come to appreciate – and even to expect.
After all, less than truckload shipping services and LTL freight companies dedicated to this form of transportation are growing more and more popular. Expedited shipping services are quite hugely in demand, with more and more people wanting the products that they order to arrive as quickly as is humanly possible. Because of this, the market for LTL freight services alone is already worth a hugely impressive $35 billion. And in the years ahead of us, this number is certainly only likely to increase.
In addition to this, the need for trade show logistics (such as trade show freight shipping) is becoming more and more necessary as more and more people recognize the value of trade shows in general. After all, more than 95% of all marketing professionals located in this country very much feel that trade shows offer a unique advantage from an advertising and marketing perspective. They allow for people all throughout the country to engage with products and brands in a way that would otherwise likely not be possible at all. And convention centers are now widespread throughout the country, with California and Florida boasting the highest numbers of convention centers at 20 each. Nevada is also likely to be in need of trade show logistics and the trade show shipments that trade show logistics can provide, as this state boasts as a still impressive 19.
And aside from trade show logistics, there are still many other aspects of the transportation industry that have become massively important, even as important as trade show logistics and LTL shipping, both discussed above. In addition to trade show logistics, for example, pharma logistics services have also become largely important on a grander scale than ever before. For much like trade show logistics, there is a larger push for a pharma logistics solution than ever before. Fortunately, the growing transportation industry has been able to provide one quite nicely, to say the very least.
And all of these changes, from LTL shipping services to trade show logistics to pharmaceutical logistics surrounding pharmaceuticals transportation, have changed the overall transportation industry quite immensely indeed, to say the very least on the subject matter. For instance, the value of one ton of cargo has increased impressively. By the time that we reach the year of 2040, now just a mere 20 years ahead of us, it is likely that one single ton of cargo will be worth more than $1,300. And in addition to this, the actual amount of cargo being transported is also climbing, expected to reach nearly 19 billion tons transported over the course of a year by this same point in time, up from a mere 15 billion tons back in the year of 2013. And back in that same year of 2013, cargo was only worth, by the ton, a mere $880 or so.
And this growth has made jobs more readily available in this field than ever before. After all, there are now more than 12 million vehicles used within the transportation industry alone, a number that has also grown quite dramatically over the course of recent years. And this means that now more than five and a half million people are needed to fill up the adequate number of jobs that have been created as a result of this industry. Ultimately, it is an industry where incredible growth has happened, something that certainly has benefited the lives of many people all throughout the country – and in a number of different ways, for that matter.