Plate Settlers for Water Treatment Here is what You Should Know

Sedimentation is one of the popular and oldest water treatment methods. For best results, you will need large basin that has extensive residence time. Sludge accumulation, flow rate, temperature, and wind are some things that affect the results in an aerobic treatment system. One way to deal with challenges is to divide the tank into layers. Particle removal efficiency involves substituting reducing basin depth with basing length. The two sedimentation types used in water treatment systems are plate settlers and tube settlers.

Plate settlers are among the most beneficial tools in water treatment facilities. Data suggests that by 2020, up to half of the assets in these wastewater facilities may be beyond the midpoint of their useful lives. Therefore, it is vital to get ideal equipment for your facility that will last long. However choosing the right plate settler can be a challenging task since the market is awash with numerous styles and designs of water equipment. Arming yourself with information about the equipment before setting out to buy a plate settler clarifier will make selection process easier. This can go along away in making your facility effective.

What are the Advantages of Having Plate Settlers?

Plate setters provide numerous distinct benefits Compared to tube setters and other alternative designs. These advantages make them a great choice. The first advantage is durability. Plate settlers are designed to have long life span. They are constructed using top-notch and durable material such as stainless steel. This means that they will provide incredible performance for many years.

Plate settlers are also very flexible. This means that they can be customized to match the dimensional and size of your water treatment system. It is a perfect choice if your setup is challenging to navigate and design.

Another advantage is low maintenance level. A dependable plate settler will require effort to keep it running smoothly and efficiently. They are also very efficient meaning that you can reduce your sedimentation basin size. Actually, maintenance is nonexistent given that there are no moving parts.

Considerations when Choosing a Plate Settler Clarifier

There are important factors to consider when choosing a plate settler clarification system They include:

  • Footprint
  • Quality of the control system
  • Gallons per minute capacity
  • Multi-phase or single phase

Due to technological advancements, we now have more cost-effective plate settlers in the market. Plate settlers clarifiers can reduce the settling basin footprint by up to 90% in open basin and as much as 50% over a basin that is fitted with tube settlers. Therefore, you will save on concrete costs and real estate.

Why Plate Settler Are Suitable Pretreatment over Membrane Filters

Plate settlers provide quality feed water that leads to lower operating costs and longer membrane life. Use of plate settlers before membranes helps in higher recovery rates, reducing cleaning requirements, better water quality, less membrane fouling, low operating pressure, and longer membrane life span.

Membranes are vulnerable to raw water inconsistencies including turbidity strikes. This is where plate settler clarifier manifests its importance. The plate settler creates a buffer for raw water variations. This ensures that the variations do not pass to membranes.

Why Use Plate Settler Pretreatment Methods?

Plate settlers clarifiers are made using stainless steel material. The design does not shed substances that can damage the membrane. The plate settlers have no moving parts meaning there is no need for maintenance. You only need to do occasion cleaning. You can easily maintain plate steel affluent to the membrane at less than 2 NTU. You do not need polymers, which cause problems when paired with membranes.

Plate settler clarifier has numerous advantages compared to FRP plate settlers, tube settlers, and ballasted process.

Plate Settlers vs. Tube Settlers

Over time, tube settlers start to shed sharp chips which cut the thin membrane filters. Ultimately, they destroy the whole membrane. Another thing is that tube settlers effluent quality is relatively low compared to plate settlers. Vacuum formed tube settlers last between 5 and 10 years while folded type lasts between 10 to 15 years.

Ballasted Process

The ballasted settling process uses special polymers. These polymers increase risk of membrane fouling. The process produces particles that damage membranes. Ballast processes also have relatively highest operating costs for ballast replacement, separation, and storage.

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