A medical fridge freezer is inevitably one of the equipment that is very crucial in a medical lab or research center. Whenever your household refrigerator malfunctions, a lot of food products go into waste due to spoilage. If your medical grade refrigerator malfunctions, think about the extent of damage to the stored products you are likely to suffer. Worse still is the fact that some medical samples such as tissue samples and vaccines are irreplaceable. Having the knowledge of just how important a medical fridge freezer, you should channel your energies towards buying the right unit for your medical office. Key among the things you should be looking out for in a laboratory freezer are; durability, reliability and consistency. Unfortunately, the freezer for pharmaceuticals industry has many different brands making it difficult for buyers to know the right brand for their specific use. If you are on the market shopping for the right medical fridge freezer, you need to ascertain whether the scientific freezer can maintain the required temperature specifications. The unit should also have a clear temperature display features that shows the current temperature within the vaccine freezer. This feature allows the user to easily check whether the vaccine refrigerator freezer is operating within the set temperature. Apart from the general considerations, below are key factors to consider when choosing the right medical fridge freezer.
The Size of the Freezer
Before you even get to the point of choosing the right medical fridge freezer, it is assumed that you already know what you need it for. Ordinarily, medical refrigerators and freezers come in different sizes. There are relatively smaller compact pharmaceutical freezers whose placement in a typical medical lab is easier. There are vaccine storage refrigerators that have a larger capacity of up to 50 cubic feet. The major advantage of large-capacity models is that they can store a large quantity of medical samples and supplies. As it would be expected, large capacity pharmaceutical freezers are more expensive compared to the smaller units. Once you establish the storage capacity that is best suited for your lab, the next thing to consider is the amount of space you have. It makes no sense putting an extra-large medical fridge freezer in a lab with very limited space. You will encounter serious challenges in movement which could underscore your growth in medical research in the long run. Check whether the room where the medical fridge freezer will be installed is adequate. If it is possible for you to move things around in the lab to make room for biomedical refrigerator, then do so as long as any changes do not affect the normal operations.
The Cost of the Medical Freezer
Ordinarily, medical freezers are expensive. You can’t expect them to cost otherwise. There are a lot of expectations when it comes to the functions and roles of lab freezers. Manufacturers of these units understand the unique features that are required for medical freezers to function effectively. There are some units that are designed to perform sensitive roles especially in the vaccine storage field. It is this specification that explains the cost variance of different refrigeration units even with the medical freezers market. When selecting the right medical fridge freezer, consider the unit as an investment. This means that ideally, you have to ensure that your purchasing decision has to make sense. You don’t want to miss an important feature crucial for effective storage for medical freezers while attempting to save on cost. It is much wiser to buy a relatively costlier unit that is reliable and durable as opposed to buying a cheaper unit that will only serve you for a limited period of time.