Today included a new event while you were out running today. Not anything really positive, but new. You were on mile four of your 12 mile run when you not only scraped your hands and knees and bruised your hip, but you did this in front of an audience. And while it would have been bad enough to have had your audience be some of your running friends, this was actually in front of two rather fine looking gentlemen.
You were alone today finishing the second loop or your run when you saw these two guys walking their kayaks down to the lake. In hindsight you realize that you were looking too closely at them and that is likely what caused you to catch your toe on the edge of the sidewalk. You went down suddenly and likely let out some kind of scream, grunt, or other noise.
The good news is that the two kayak carrying men were kind enough not to laugh and to ask if you were okay. You are certain that they had to have a pretty good chuckle once you were further down the path, but in your presence they were more than kind.
You shed a few tears out of both pain and embarrassment as you continued your run, but you also realized throughout the rest of the eight miles that fall and recovery serves as a metaphor for much of life.
In the first place, the fall was a reminder that everyone is going to do something stupid in life and get get distracted while working on goals. When falls in life happen I is okay to grief those failures and those losses, as long as we learn from them and do not let these problems keep us down. During the end of the run, you were in a little more pain than normal, but you were able to finish. And that was important.
Secondly, it is always important to keep a sense of humor. Even though you were upset at first, it did not take you long to realize the humor in the situation and to laugh at yourself. In the past, it would have taken you longer to get to the point of laughing. Lately, however, you have realized that life is simply too short to be miserable and getting twisted up about this would only make you more unhappy. So, today, you laugh.
Marketing Success Requires a Combination of Seriousness and Humor
Perhaps it is this ability to dig in and work hard and laugh when necessary that has led you to the success that you have recently found at work. By demanding a new platform from the marketing agency you are working with you have found a way to be certain that your small company is getting noticed. The fact that you are able and willing to spend time explaining your mission has helped this content marketing group to create social media marketing strategies that have driven not only new customers to your website, but also new consumers into your brick and mortar store.
All businesses benefit when marketing teams take a serious approach to the use of social media options. In fact, as many as 74% of brand marketers indicate that they saw an increase in website traffic after investing a mere six hours a week in social media. Because every business is different, it obviously takes a different kind of approach to make sure that any social media strategy is successful. If a business, for instance, is appealing to people who are willing to run miles a month in spite or minor injuries or weather, then that company’s marketing needs are going to be a little different from the needs of a company that is trying to attract new database consultation work.
The fact of the matter is social media sites and blogs currently reach eight of every 10 U.S. internet users, accounting for 23 percent of all time spent online. If your business is not capitalizing on this trend, then your business is literally falling down on its attempt to be successful. Working with the right marketing team can literally help you get back on your feet.