Job retention is a very serious problem all throughout the United States, and it is likely that staffing your team has become more difficult than ever over the course of recent years. After all, more and more people are moving away from long term jobs and instead taking up jobs through Dallas temp agencies and job agencies throughout the rest of the country as well. From Dallas temp agencies and beyond, there are now actually more than three million temp workers found all throughout the United States.
And those who are still working more permanent type jobs and not contract work through Dallas temp agencies and the like are becoming more and more likely to leave their job shortly after beginning it. After all, the Millennial generation has even become known as the job hopping generation, a name coined for their willingness to move from one job to the next as soon as they are given a better opportunity. So it will come as no surprise, then, that more than one fifth of all employees will leave their new roles within two months of first starting that job. Many of them will even begin to work with temp agencies such as Dallas temp agencies, as Dallas temp agencies can still provide them with work – but less of the things that they might not have liked from their more long term jobs.
Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the problem of job retention and to get those job retention rates back up to a comfortable level. For one thing, providing the proper support to all employees is hugely essential, especially when you consider the fact that up to 80% of all currently employees have stated that they do NOT feel supported by their superiors. One way that this can be rectified is through an extensive and comprehensive onboarding process, something that has been found to increase long term employee retention by more than 55% over the course of three year periods.
Supporting workers while they are already invested in their jobs is also very important, as it is nowadays far too easy for workers of all kinds to become incredibly burnt out with the stresses of their jobs and work environments. Instituting employee recognition programs can be quite hugely beneficial across the board. As a matter of fact, more than 85% (around 86%, to be just a bit more specific) of all companies that have put such programs into place have found them to be quite hugely successful, all things considered. Such programs lead to an improvement in overall levels of employee happiness, which can also lead to increased productivity and, as a direct result, and increased quality in the work that is being produced in the first place. Therefore, the role of employee recognition programs is a hugely important one.
Diversity in the workplace also plays a hugely important role when it comes to the overall success and even happiness of the people who work there. After all, companies that are gender diverse will actually outperform companies that have not taken steps towards gender inclusivity and diversity, sometimes by as much as a full 15%. And companies that are ethnically diverse are even more high performing, outperforming other companies by often as much as a full 35%. Therefore, it is key to note here that diversity should be a part of really any modern workplace around, no doubt about it.
From Dallas temp agencies to temp agencies in Arlington Tx and even beyond, there are many places that people are turning to go to work instead of in the traditional environment. However, certain programs like on boarding programs and even just employee recognition programs can end up having a huge impact in overall employee success rates – and job retention rates in a great many industries all throughout this country. With such things in place, Dallas temp agencies are likely to look far less appealing indeed, something that will benefit companies of all sizes and truly in many different areas of industry, work, and expertise.