From a 22 x 28 stanchion sign holder to custom vinyl door decals, signage is an important part of a business strategy. Deciding what type of sign – or types of signs – to choose, be it a 22 x 28 stanchion sign holder or older like sign – even a brochure holder stand, can have a greater impact on a business than one might think.
No matter the type of sing (22 x 28 stanchion sign holder, floor sign holder, contemporary glass signs and signage, etc.), signs have been shown to improve business. In fact, full priced merchandise was shown to sell almost 20% better when there was signage than when there was not and several studies conducted by Brigham Young University (BYU) showed that merchandise with signage consistently outperformed similar merchandise without it. As shoppers make almost all of their shopping decisions (over 80%) while actually in the store, even well placed small display stands can have a considerable impact. As a 2014 study conducted by Mass Merchant showed that over 15% of all impulse buys in stores were influenced by signage, it makes sense to have quality signs strategically placed around a store, even if they are small and unobtrusive. After all, even price tag holders can be considered as signage used to help influence customer decisions and purchases. After all, over half of all in store purchases, a whopping six out of every ten sales made, were unplanned, meaning there’s lots of opportunity for signs to convince prospective customers.
It’s clear that different signs placed strategically in and outside of a business or store can be hugely influential, but every person who comes to shop (and hopefully to buy something) has already been inundated with advertisements – up to 3,000 every single day. Because of the high volume of advertisements in today’s modern world, truly everywhere we go, it’s important for store signage to stand out and make a statement. You want your signage to be physically appealing and welcoming, as a customer decides to stick with a brand they know or choose a new one in less than ten seconds. A quality sign, perhaps an acrylic poster sign, can convince them to try you company’s product, but a poorly executed sign could easily have the opposite effect.
From a 22 x 28 stanchion sign holder to something as simple as holders for price tags, signage and advertisement are everywhere in today’s modern world. We see ads nearly every place that we go, so it’s important that the signage for your business, company, or brand stand out in some way. You want your sign to have personality, to make people consider your brand seriously and to make a purchase. Signs can help to convince many a customer on their purchases, and many people can actually be convinced into unplanned purchases, often called impulse buys, based on the quality of the advertisement and signage available for the product.