If you are embarking on a construction project, you have a lot of materials to choose from. One of the best you can select is galvanized steel. From getting galvanized steel strapping to other products, there are many reasons to go with steel. Here are a few:
- It will help your bottom line. In the construction business, there are two costs to consider. The initial, up front costs of the construction project and then what the building will cost to maintain. With galvanized steel strapping, for example, you get a real twofer. The material is less expensive at the outset but then, as an added benefit, it costs less to maintain. It is often possible to buy this material from the manufacturer directly. That will add to your savings with steel. The lifetime savings come from the protective coating. Zinc is used in the galvanization process. Zinc and steel form an incredibly strong bond. This means that the coating is a very effective protector. The maintenance costs are driven down by that fact.
- It is very environmentally friendly. It has been shown that one of the most recycled materials on the planet is steel. It is estimated that about 88% of it has been recycled, according to the American Iron andamp; Steel Institute. In the United States alone, about 69% of all steel is recycled. Moreover, approximately 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 120 pounds of limestone and 1,400 pounds of coal are saved by each ton of steel that is recycled. Additionally, because you are using a material that is so durable, you will use less resources maintaining or repairing it. Steel is one of the most environmentally friendly materials around.
- It will take up less of your time. Other materials break down and need to be replaced and repaired on a regular basis. Your galvanized steel strappings and other products hold up well to the elements. It takes a lot to do damage to galvanized steel. This means you will have to spend a lot less time cleaning and caring for your galvanized steel products. Experts recommend an annual cleaning. Will will help extend the lifespan.
- Even galvanized steel needs inspections. Luckily, these inspections are much easier to handle.You should make it a point to check your steel every 24 months. This will allow you to check for and fix any small problems before they grow into big ones. A visual inspection is all your steel needs. If there is a problem with any of your galvanized steel, you will be able to detect by simply looking at it.
- You can shorten your time to complete a project. All or most galvanized steel tools are prepared off site. That means they arrive at your site and are ready to go. You do not need to add coating to protect it because that has already been taken care of. This will make your work on your job site go a lot smoother.
- Galvanized steel, including galvanized steel strapping will last you a very, very long time. If your building is an urban area or will be subjected to salt water in the air or to pollution from manufacturing, you can expect your galvanized steel to be with you from 20 to 25 years. If your structure is in a more conducive environment, you expect it to be around for 50 years or more.
- The protection is uniform. You do not have to worry that one area of the galvanization is going to be weaker than other areas. The whole process fundamentally changes the material so even if any of it is exposed, it is less vulnerable to corrosion or any other damage.
- It can take a lot. When you have galvanized steel, you have one of the toughest coatings that is available today. It is tough stuff and much less susceptible to any threats that can hurt other materials. That means it can be transported safely and easily. It will not be as vulnerable to environmental hazards.
Today, engineers and construction companies can do more with less. When the Golden Gate Bridge was constructed, they used 83,000 tons of steel. Today, that project be completed with half.There are many reasons to use galvanized steel to save money, time, effort and the environment.