6 Out of the Box Ideas for Proposing to Your Significant Other

Aerial banner towing

Proposing is one of the most important things that you will do in your life. Who you propose to and how you do it is very crucial. You could stay simple and get down on one knee at a random moment or you could go all out and use a plane banner or hire a plane writer to ask your question from the sky. Whatever you do, needs to mean something to you and the person you are asking to marry you. Here are some ideas for how and where to propose.

Plane Banner
Let’s start with the most extravagant: a plane banner is when an airplane will attach a banner with a message on it to the back of the plane and fly over a predetermined area. This is often used for aerial ads but it’s a great way to propose. Skytyping is a similar way to do the same think. A skilled pilot used the exhaust from the plane to write a message in the sky for your beloved. The trick is getting them to look up at the right time.

Hot Air Balloon
There are many deals for riding in hot air balloons. Some packages include breakfast or dinner, depending on what time you go and it is such a romantic experience, quietly floating above the city. When you’re up there, it feels like everything is just right. There’s no better time to ask your girlfriend or boyfriend to marry you then when it’s just the two of you, enjoying a new experience together. You may not get a signal on your phone to be able to play music and set the atmosphere like most proposals like to do and there definitely won’t be room for a violinist to serenade you both but it will be one of the happiest moments of your life, all the same.

Sky Diving
While you may not want to bring the actual ring with you as you jump out of a plane, this is a great way to propose if you are a thrill seeking couple. After you jump out of the plane there will be a period time after the initial free fall where you appear to be floating and can actually hear each other. This would be the perfect time to pop the question.

Snorkeling or Scuba Diving
If you know where the two of you are going to be snorkeling, you can ask the guide to wedge a ring box (preferably with a dummy ring, give her the real one later) in a certain spot and while you are both under, motion to her to come over and take a look at something. When she comes over you can get down on one knee under the water and open the box. Once you both come above water you’ll have to explain where her real ring is.

Flash Mob
This idea is best for couples who enjoy theater productions or musical numbers together. The one proposing should be able to sing and dance preferably if he wants to make it a serious proposal. Lots of practice will be needed and a live band always makes things better. Have the band continue to play after the song is over and you go down on one knee. If the music stops and it’s all of a sudden very quiet, it might feel a little bit awkward. Plus, everyone will be listening to what you are going to say and that part should be just between the two of you.

Surprise Trip
If you significant other likes you travel, you might surprise her with a road trip or a cruise or even renting a charter plane to go somewhere for the weekend, depending on your budget. Once you are there, propose as soon as the moment is right so that you can enjoy the weekend as fiances for the first time.

Proposing and getting proposed to is such a magical time. However, keep in mind that you don’t have to be able to afford a plane banner or know how to sing and dance to make it just right. Just think about what means something to the two of you. It’s better if your proposal is meaningful rather than expensive.

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