How an Executive Placement Agency Can You Put You in Place


It should come as no surprise that job satisfaction is at an all time low. Did you know that a survey by Jobvite revealed that a little more than half — 53% — of actively working employees are eying the greener grass on the other side? This means that 53% of workers would be receptive to new job prospects even if they aren’t actively looking for one. Furthermore, a whopping 2.7 million workers walked away from their jobs on their own accord at the end of 2015. That’s an increase of nearly 25% just two years ago! And it only gets better — 57% of companies consider employee retention to be an issue.

But in all honesty, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Running in the rat race is exhausting, whether you’re the hare, the tortoise, or the rat. Either way, it’s a tiring, fruitless endeavor that’s done in vain. Most people don’t even know why they’re racing, while some have figured out there’s no really no end in sight — a meager retirement doesn’t count — but don’t know what else to do, so they’re stuck racing on.

But if everyone’s so unhappy with climbing the corporate ladder and running in a race that was never meant to be won, why do people keep doing it anyway? Simple: indoctrination. Going to school teaches you how to follow orders, not create your own. It molds you into the person society expects you to be, not the person you actually want to be. It praises your subscription to the herd mentality, instead of embracing your individuality. Sure, some structure is needed in one’s early years, but school — ahem, indoctrination — stamps every little bit of creativity out. People don’t really get a chance to discover who they are and what they really want to be. So instead, they live their whole lives in frustration and fear, knowing that something is wrong but not quite knowing exactly what it is.

This mentality continues on well into adult life, with many people subscribing to the belief that you have to get good grades all throughout school to get into a good college so you can get a good job and find a good a partner who has the potential to be a good spouse with whom you create a good nuclear family with and live out your good lives together in a good neighborhood in the suburbs and so and so forth. You get the point — heck, you might even be living it.

But what if none of that appeals to you? What if you’re tired of being a worker bee and you feel like buzzing to the beat of your own drum? Well if that’s then, you might want to consider restructuring life and finding a new career path.

There are a number of ways to go about this, but the first thing to do is find out what really appeals to you and then pursue jobs that align with that. Job searching, however, can be pretty intimidating. After all, it’s a job unto itself and an exhausting one at that! Human resources can seem anything but human — more like the gatekeepers of Heaven. And talent acquisition management may not feel as though you’re talented enough, even if you are! So why not have someone do all the dirty work of job searching for you? That’s were an executive placement agency can come into play.

An executive placement agency can you find a high level position that resonates with you both personally and professionally at a company you actually want to work for. Working with an executive placement agency has several benefits, perhaps with the greatest being a rate of success in securing that work hard, play hard, high level position you’ve always wanted. Another great benefit of working with an executive placement agency is that it frees up a lot of your time. You won’t have to waste hours upon hours reading rifling through contacts, Glassdoor reviews, crowded job boards, and Craiglist trying to find the job you want. An executive placement agency does all that work for you!

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