Looking to give your small business a boost? Recent studies deliver encouraging statistics for small business advertising and marketing efforts during trade show rental exhibits. Taking the time to design trade show exhibit displays could boost business for new businesses: the average trade show guest spends more than nine hours looking at trade show rental booths and discussing industry-related topics with businesses of every size.
Of course, most trade shows are hosted in larger cities, and it is essential for business owners to book hotels and other services, like car rental, well in advance of the trade shows’ dates. Hotels can fill up quickly, and it could be costly to miss opportunities to market and network. While most businesses report that marketing is their top priority, the financial impact of trade show rentals cannot be underestimated.
Perhaps the most important part of setting up trade show display exhibits is making sure that all graphic design marketing elements are clear and easily understood. Visitors to a trade show booth may be viewing the graphic elements from a distance, and experts recommend ensuring that text elements can be viewed from up to 10 feet away. It is important to experiment with text size in advance of contracting for printing, in order to make sure that trade show display exhibits are effective and legible.
Sometimes small business owners prefer to attend a trade show before they commit to running a booth: taking the time to study colleagues’ and competitors’ approaches to trade show display exhibits can help owners decide how to position their marketing efforts at future shows. Owners may be surprised to learn that blank space can be an effective marketing tool: banners with strong graphics and legible text work well when they are not overly crowded or “busy,” and can draw visitors in to the booth to learn more.
Trade shows, in general, can be excellent opportunities for new business owners to market themselves. Making sure that visitors have a small “takeaway” item, such as a pencil or sticker, can help increase brand recognition and can drive sales well after the trade show ends. Customers are more likely to remember a business’ logo if they see it in print, and although having business cards available is acceptable, business owners should remain motivated to stand out among hundreds of other trade show participants. Trade show graphics management and correct placement of printed marketing items can help small businesses in their quest for expansion and market control.