You might not give much thought to the street sweeping trucks that you see on city streets or in parking lots, but they’re actually a lot more important than you might believe. What’s the big deal about street sweeper trucks? Here are three things everyone should know about these trash clean up heroes:
- Street sweepers have been around for a lot longer than you might have guessed. The very first street sweeping machines weren’t made recently. They were actually developed more than 100 years ago by C.S. Bishop, who invented and patented the first such machine back in 1849. Today’s sweeper trucks have the ability to clean up roadways because they have mechanical brooms and other apparatuses mounted onto truck bodies. They’ve come a long way since the 1800s, but the idea is still the same.
- Sweeper trucks aren’t just used on roadways. Did you know that many businesses and property owners today actually rely on street sweepers to keep their property clean? Retail businesses and apartment complex owners alike may call on street sweepers to keep their parking lots clean. Typically, they’ll either use a street sweeper rental or call up a parking lot cleaning company to maintain their paved surfaces on a regular basis.
- Sweeping services may be helping the environment more than you might think. The average parking space in the United States costs between $6 and $23 in terms of cost to the environment. Why? Although parking lots are made to house vehicles rather than let them run, they’re a symbol of the number of vehicles running on American roads. Parking lots, especially large ones, can also have serious effects on the environment if they aren’t properly maintained. Not only can debris from businesses and trash pollute the environment, but if it’s not cleaned up it can clog storm drains, leading to floods later on. However, by using a street sweeping service, businesses can ensure that their parking lots stay clean. In fact, those trucks can even clean up oil, gasoline, and other types of runoff to keep it from affecting nearby groundwater and sewer systems.
Have more questions about road sweeping services or need to hire sweeping services for your business? Make sure to contact a reputable street sweeping service for more information. Leave a comment below if you have any suggestions about this vital clean up service.