Some crimes require a little extra work to uncover the truth, and a private detective agency is a good place to start. Private investigators (PI) are experts in gathering facts and evidence to present in court, and they can locate anyone and find out almost anything a person might want to know. It’s not every day that one has to hire a private detective, and with 45,000 PIs in the United States, it’s a good idea to know what to look for in a quality investigator.
Private detectives must have a strong moral code, because they have a duty to uphold laws during investigations. They must also have extensive knowledge of the field and experience conducting background checks. Here’s a list of some of the most important detectives in modern history.
1. Ellis Parker
Parker was a detective in New Jersey in the early 1940s, and he rose to fame when he solved a serious of barn burnings. This led him to be nationally recognized and he was asked to help find Charles Lindbergh’s infant son who was kidnapped. Unfortunately, Parker couldn’t take the heat and ended up in prison toward the end of his life.
2. Isaiah Lees
In the San Francisco Police Department, Lees was well known for cracking the tough cases. He was known to attack all cases head on, and solved kidnappings, thefts, murders, and counterfeiting crimes.
3. Kate Warne
In 1956, Warne became the first woman to land a job as a PI in the United States. Warne was assigned to hundreds of cases and is known for solving crimes that involved female perpetrators. She set the bar high for future female detectives.
4. Colonel Calvin Goddard
Goddard was a ballistics expert who also happened to be a savvy detective, and he became well known for solving crimes involving firearms. He worked on cases involving famous mobsters like Al Capone, and started the first forensic science crime laboratory at Northwestern in 1931.
5. J.J. Armes
This famous investigator is perhaps better known for the fictional stories he writes than the real life detective work he did, but he has a long history of solving tough crimes in Texas. He draws on his experiences solving crimes to inspire his writing.
6. Thomas McKenna
This New York City Police Detective is well regarded among New York’s Finest for his keen eye and ability to catch criminals by meticulously tracking the details of a crime. Prosecutors and defense attorneys alike have a great amount of respect for this NYC investigator.
7. Rebecca Sutton
This woman started the first all-female detective agency. Why? Because it’s her job to catch cheaters, and she believes that she’s in a unique position as a woman to help other women who are struggling with untrustworthy spouses.
8. John Edgar Hoover
The first director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Hoover made a mark in history by serving six U.S. Presidents. Hoover shaped the FBI into what it is today, and lots of his original policies are still in place over 40 years later.
Have you ever hired a private detective agency and have any advice on how to approach investigations? Do you have any ideas about how to find the best private detective agency? If you have experience in any of these areas, or you just want to share your thoughts, please leave a comment below.