Shipping packages large and small can be a daunting task. How to package the items, where to ship them from, wondering whether they’ll get there in one piece, and whether they’ll get there at all are all major concerns when putting your items into other people hands for door to door delivery. American air cargo is an efficient and reliable way to ensure that your packages to loved ones or belongings to a new location get to their desired destination safely and on time.
When shipping products internationally or overseas, using air and ocean cargo services are your two options. Sea freight shipping is often thought as the best way to transfer large goods but American air cargo often has the same capabilities that sea cargo does with additional benefits.
- Cargo shipping processes through air freight services are under close watch because they are time sensitive transactions
- Since air cargo is on a time sensitive schedule, it is the best option when shipping perishable items, such as food.
- Air freight insurance rates are generally lower than those for sea cargo insurance
- American air cargo services generally takes less time than sea cargo services, allowing the products to have a higher quality delivery and be less likely to arrive with damage
- Air cargo services often do not have a connection point where the products are transferred allowing a direct point to point transportation process that shortens time and makes damage less likely
In the year 2012, an estimated $6.4 trillion in goods and supplies were transferred via air cargo globally. Although passenger planes are often equipped to hold cargo for delivery, over half of the air cargo shipped in 2012 was on cargo only airplanes. American air cargo is a very successful and profitable industry, bringing in an estimated over $75 billion in revenue in the year 2013. Data and expert analysts expect the use of American air cargo for product transportation to exponentially increase in the next few years.
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