In the machine tooling world, boring refers to the process by which holes are drilled into objects. Some of the earliest examples of boring are found in cannon and gun barrels used in warfare hundreds of years ago; in fact, these inventions marked the inception of boring tools. Today’s boring process has received a big boost from the automation and robotics commonly found in factories and workshops, so more products can be created and bored in shorter periods of time. These types of tools, which can be programmed to complete large manufacturing jobs, are referred to as “computer numerical control” or CNC machine tools.
So what is there to look for when purchasing boring heads from CNC machine tool manufacturers? Here are a few different features to consider when it comes to tools for your boring machine.
This is perhaps a very basic way to think about boring, but it’s also the most important determination that a manufacturer has to make when purchasing boring tools. Boring heads come in a variety of diameters in order to complete small diameter and large diameter jobs. Both small and large diameter boring can be completed for precision jobs that require measurements to hundredths and thousandths of an inch.
Speed and Velocity
Let’s face it: manufacturing is all about productivity in terms of numbers. If your equipment doesn’t move fast enough, or its velocity causes more products to become damaged than made properly, then your production will decrease significantly. Choosing boring heads that have the right speed and velocity for your machine tools is essential for quality manufacturing.
Some boring heads are able to bore holes into metal and other materials “blind” — that is, they don’t need to start with a pre-drilled hole like most boring operations do. Others must have a pre-bored hole. In order to receive the best boring techniques from your tools, and to have a precise finish on your products, it’s important to select boring tools that having finishing capabilities.
In addition to boring, some machine tools can serve multiple purposes, such as milling, cutting, and tapping. For more complex systems, machine tools may have built in cooling systems to prevent overheating. To find out which parts you need, it’s best to contact a manufacturer. You can also leave a comment below for more suggestions on what to look for in your boring machine parts. Find out more at this site: www.parlec.com