Furnaces usually last for 15 to 18 years, but if you live in Massachusetts it might be worth replacing yours regardless of how old it is. Alicia Barton, CEO of Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC), announced earlier this week the agency will be starting a $30 million, five-year project to improve the efficiency, environmental impact,…
Big Mistakes Business Owners Make When Leasing a Commercial Space
Renting commercial space is a big step for any business owner. However, finding the perfect commercial lease is no simple task, and there are many different issues that can pop up during the process. Here are a few mistakes you?ll want to avoid making while entering into an office lease agreement. Not Comparing Rent Prices…
Don’t Expect Oil Prices To Rise Until At Least 2017
The current oil market has been described as Jekyll and Hyde-like by some experts. Meanwhile, the average American consumer is perpetually shocked by how low gas prices have fallen at the pump. If you’re in the latter category, then we have good news — financial analysts say oil prices will stay low through 2016. That…
Alternative Power Companies Reaching Out to Rural Customers
Since the deregulation of electricity markets in the United States, consumers have had a wider choice of power suppliers, including alternative power companies that harness wind energy or solar energy to power their consumers’ homes and businesses. Coupled with a decrease in the price of standard electricity production, many American homeowners are seeing reduced heating…
How to Attract the Best Employees to Your Company
One of the biggest jobs of your company’s workforce management team is recruiting and hiring the most qualified employees. However, their job becomes easier if your company is known for being a great place to work, that way the best potential employees will come to you. But, how do you get to this point? Read…
Choosing The Most Effective Storage Tank For Your Business
The transportation and storage of important economic staples such as fertilizer and oil need high-quality materials in order to stay fresh and safe. The United States is home to many different kinds of tanks, such as the standard API 650 and 653, that are designed to reduce the risks of transporting and storing your products….